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Forced to Move Webhosts

Recently I was told my my webhosts that my site was using up resources and I would have to pay for a private server. The host manager attached a file showing some incomprehensible figures relating (I assume) to server resource usage. Given that my site receives very little traffic, and contains only a few photos and no videos, it is mysterious as to how it should be using up resources.

One possibility of course is that the Met Police or their colleagues elsewhere, or one of the security firms or related individuals who are facing possible life sentences for my torture, or aiding and abetting my torture, have conducted some kind of attack on the site.

In any case, it wont serve any purpose. If this site is forced offline, I will simply redouble my efforts to get legal help, or adopt some other mediums of communicating what has been happening to me for the last 16 years – something that’s essential to preserve my sanity, as well my dignity as a human being.

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Is Psychological Torture Illegal In The UK?

Is psychological torture illegal in the UK? Perhaps the reason I’ve been so unable to get any help in nearly 15 years is because, well, psychological torture isn’t illegal. The 1984 United Nations Convention Against Torture (CAT), ratified by the UK and every European country, expressly and clearly prohibits psychological torture. But perhaps, although ratified, the prohibition against psychological torture simply hasn’t been written into British laws on torture?

Psychological Torture By A Public Official Is Illegal And Carries A Life Term

According to Justice.org.uk :

In addition to the established common law provisions, section 134 Criminal Justice Act 1988 makes it an offence for any public official to ‘intentionally inflict severe pain or suffering on another in the performance … of his official duties’. This provision was introduced to honour the UK’s commitments under the 1984 UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (the Torture Convention).

According to provision 1 of section 134 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 :

A public official or person acting in an official capacity, whatever his nationality, commits the offence of torture if in the United Kingdom or elsewhere he intentionally inflicts severe pain or suffering on another in the performance or purported performance of his official duties.

Provision 3 makes it clear that this includes psychological torture.

(3)It is immaterial whether the pain or suffering is physical or mental and whether it is caused by an act or an omission.

Provision 6 states that the punishment for a public official who engages in torture, is life in prison.

A person who commits the offence of torture shall be liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for life.


For nearly 15 years the police in the UK have pointed me out, directly or indirectly, to hundreds of security guards. Not only security guards, but shop workers, bar staff, restaurant workers. They haven’t simply pointed me out to these hundreds or thousands of people with the message – ‘keep an eye on him’. They’ve advised, incited, or encouraged all those people to let me know that they are ‘watching me’, or rather, theatrically and sadistically that they are ‘not watching me’. For example, exaggeratedly looking up at the ceiling or past me when I walk into a store etc. And when I make complaints to the stores in question, this is always denied, often aggressively, or more often ignored (but my complaints are passed on and the next time I visit the store, the security guard/staff will be even more aggressive and abusive).

And presumably at their behest, their colleagues in 13 other European countries have done exactly the same thing. For nearly 15 years. And they are still doing it today, with no sign that they have any intention of ever stopping until I’ve lost my mind completely or am driven into suicide.

And they have done this in the knowledge that I’ve suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. Or more precisely, they’ve clearly done this because of the fact I’ve suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, and they know it will cause me extreme psychological distress and suffering.

What they have done – deliberately gaslighted me in 13 different countries for nearly 15 years – would be unambiguously psychological torture under any reasonable interpretation of provisions 1 and 3 of the 1988 Criminal Justice Act, if it had been done to a healthy person, let alone somebody such as myself, who has been previously diagnosed and hospitalized for paranoid schizophrenia.

The provision 1 of section 134 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 makes clear that the nationality or the location of the public official is irrelevant. The UK police should be attempting to have the public officials in those 13 different European countries extradited to the UK to stand trial for the torture inflicted upon my person. Instead, the public officials (i.e. police and others) in those dozen or more countries were actually acting under the encouragement of the UK police.

Note that ‘misfeasance in a public office’ is also a criminal offence carrying a life term.


See also : https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/civil-rights/human-rights/what-rights-are-protected-under-the-human-rights-act/your-right-not-to-be-tortured-or-treated-in-an-inhuman-way/

A Conversation with ChatGPT on the ‘White Bear’ Black Mirror Episode

Just before Christmas I watched through Season 2 of Black Mirror for the first time. The second episode of three – White Bear – really hit me hard. The main character is a woman who wakes up one morning unable to remember who she is or anything about herself. She emerges out of ‘her’ house, disorientated and confused, seeking answers or help. What she sees is her neighbours all watching her from their windows and recording her with their smartphones, evil smirks on their faces. Things only get worse for her, and truly turn into a waking nightmare. But it’s something that she is destined to experience again and again in a hellish version of Groundhog Day, as each night she will have her memory wiped again. Spoiler alert – it turns out she is about as evil as you can get, a Myra Hindley type, who recorded her boyfriend torturing and murdering a little girl. This is her ‘punishment’, with her ‘neighbours’ and other members of the public both paying spectators and active participants in her torture. And there is no doubt that what she is subjected to is psychological torture.

White Bear is widely agreed to be one of the most ingenious, disturbing, and thought-provoking Black Mirror episodes. Clearly, the female character in the episode is the epitome of evil. And yet the episode unsettles the average viewer, because for much of it, unaware of her evil past (as she is herself), you naturally feel empathy with her. But when the truth is revealed – both her awful past, and that this is her very public ‘punishment’ – you are left questioning whether what you have witnessed could ever be justified. One key aspect of the storyline is that she has her memory erased. Is it right to punish somebody who has no knowledge of their own crime? Who does not know why they are being punished? Or even (until the end) that they are being punished? Is she even the same person who committed the crime if her memory has been erased? Are the people punishing her delivering a form of perfect justice, or are they little better than her? But whatever the moral questions, this is dystopian sci-fi holding up a ‘black mirror’ to our present world. It would clearly be illegal in our world, even in the United Kingdom of 2025.

The parallels with what the police have been doing to me for the last 16 years, and the nature of the ‘punishment’ portrayed in White Bear, are obvious and absolutely disturbing. If the episode had been shown a decade earlier, then I’d almost suspect that the Met police had taken inspiration from it. To be absolutely clear – whatever the reason or supposed justification for what the police have done to me, or whatever they may or may not suspect me of, there is no possible comparison with the character in White Bear. The similarity is with the nature of the punishment, the inhuman gaslighting and psychological torture of the character, together with the absolute willing participation of members of the public in carrying out the torture.

As I have said, watching the episode for the first time had a profound effect upon me. Perhaps I’m the one person in the world who has experienced something so close to the torture imagined in it. It’s a Black Mirror episode that unsettles the average viewer, so you can imagine the impact it had upon me. In some ways though, it gave me a little hope. Whether or not you end up having any sympathy with the character in White Bear, everybody has to agree that what she is subjected to is torture – psychological torture (she is not actually physically harmed – other than having her memory erased). It’s a scenario that in many chilling ways mirrors my own, and there can be no question in the UK of 2025 that it would be illegal – it would be considered both psychological torture and a degrading and inhumane form of punishment.

I had recently been thinking a lot about how to use ChatGPT or some other AI tool to further my ‘fight’ here and to help preserve my sanity and my sense of hope. I’d already used it in simple research, to find out who was a chief of police in a certain city at a certain date and such like. But what would be really helpful to me would be to use it to ascertain whether what the police had done to me was indeed illegal. In 16 years of this, I’ve been unable to get the slightest legal help or advice. I’ve been ignored by anti-torture charities. I was basically told to f**k off by Redress. I was literally told to ‘stop spamming’ by Amnesty International. Two UK law firms replied to me by saying that they did not have the resources to pursue my case. I couldn’t even find advice or sympathy in a forum for fellow schizophrenics – the site moderators immediately banned me for ‘triggering’ other members with my ‘delusion’. So ChatGPT offered some hope. Unlike one of the UK’s largest anti-torture charities, at least it wouldn’t tell me to ‘f***k off*, surely? Almost two decades of being systematically and sadistically psychologically tortured in the most cruel manner possible, and in that time not a single human being (except one) has offered me any humanity, sympathy, or help. Perhaps a machine would be different? So I decided to use the White Bear episode as a way of exploring the legal issues in my case. The following is our conversation:

ME: Have you watched the Black Mirror season 2 episode ‘White Bear’?

Yeah, White Bear is one of the most intense Black Mirror episodes. It starts off feeling like a chaotic dystopian horror, then flips into something completely different by the end. The reveal about Victoria’s past and the whole “justice park” concept is chilling. It really messes with your sense of morality—whether you should feel sympathy for her or not.
What did you think of it?

ME: It interests me because I’m curious to know whether it could happen, or something like that happen, in the United Kingdom in 2025.

That’s a fascinating question. Could something like White Bear happen in the UK in 2025? The idea of turning criminal punishment into a public spectacle is dystopian, but some aspects of it don’t feel entirely far-fetched.

(ChatGPT then gave a detailed argument as to how the White Bear episode mirrors certain elements of today’s UK, including cancel culture and shaming on Social Media, to CCTV and trends towards mass surveillance. However, it concluded that public sentiment would have to shift even more, together with changes in the law, as the “European Convention on Human Rights would make something like the scenario in White Bear impossible”. I then asked it to elaborate upon this.)

ME: Can you elaborate on your statement that the ‘European Convention on Human Rights’ would make something like it impossible? In what way would it contravene the ECHR?

Key ECHR Articles White Bear Would Breach
1. Article 3 – Prohibition of Torture
“No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
• Why It’s Relevant:
o The White Bear Justice Park subjects Victoria to severe psychological distress every day, amounting to inhuman and degrading treatment.
o Even criminals (including murderers) have a right to proportional punishment that does not involve cruelty.
o The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has ruled in past cases that psychological torture—including indefinite distress and humiliation—violates this article.
• Precedents:
o In Ireland v. UK (1978), techniques like sleep deprivation and psychological pressure were ruled as inhuman and degrading treatment.
o The ECtHR has also ruled that prolonged solitary confinement and public shaming of prisoners can violate Article 3.
2. Article 5 – Right to Liberty and Security
“Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be deprived of his liberty save in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law.”
• Why It’s Relevant:
o Victoria’s constant captivity in the justice park is arbitrary and not subject to judicial oversight.
o The punishment is outside the normal legal process, meaning she has no right to appeal or challenge her detention.
• Precedents:
o Cases like Guzzardi v. Italy (1980) found that extreme restrictions on movement can amount to unlawful deprivation of liberty, even if they aren’t a formal prison sentence.
3. Article 6 – Right to a Fair Trial
“Everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal.”
• Why It’s Relevant:
o Victoria is not aware of her crime due to memory erasure.
o She is unable to defend herself or challenge her punishment.
o Her punishment is decided not by a fair court, but by public spectacle.
• Precedents:
o Any legal system that denies a person the ability to understand their charges or defend themselves would violate Article 6.

ME: So to be clear, her punishment would be a case of psychological torture under the ECHR? Certain provisions of the Criminal Justice Act of 1988 mention torture, including psychological torture. Would it also be illegal under that act?

Yes, Victoria’s punishment in White Bear would almost certainly be classified as psychological torture under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), specifically under Article 3, which prohibits “torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
Now, regarding UK domestic law, you’re right that the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (CJA 1988) also addresses torture, and psychological torture would likely fall under its provisions. Let’s break it down.
Would Victoria’s Punishment Violate the Criminal Justice Act 1988?
1. Section 134 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 – Prohibition of Torture
The key section of the CJA 1988 that applies is Section 134, which states:
(1) A public official or person acting in an official capacity commits an offence if in the United Kingdom or elsewhere he intentionally inflicts severe pain or suffering on another in the performance of his official duties.
(2) It is immaterial whether the pain or suffering is physical or mental.
• Why This Applies to White Bear
o Victoria is subjected to extreme psychological suffering daily.
o The punishment is deliberate and systematic, making it intentional rather than incidental.
o The actors and organizers of the justice park could be seen as “persons acting in an official capacity”, as they enforce a state-sanctioned punishment.
o The law explicitly includes mental suffering, so psychological torture is covered.
• Potential Counterarguments:
o If the park is not technically run by the state, but rather a private entity with state approval, there could be legal debate over whether Section 134 applies.
o However, even private actors can be complicit in torture if they operate with state approval.
2. Could White Bear Be Justified Under UK Law?
• Section 134 (4) states that no exceptional circumstances (e.g., crime prevention, national security) can justify torture.
• Even if the UK Parliament created a law allowing such punishment, it would still be illegal under the CJA 1988.
• The Human Rights Act 1998, which incorporates the ECHR into UK law, would also strike down any law attempting to legalize such treatment.
3. Could This Lead to Prosecutions?
Yes. If the White Bear scenario happened in real life, anyone involved—organizers, guards, actors—could potentially be prosecuted under Section 134 of the CJA 1988, facing life imprisonment (the maximum sentence for torture under UK law).
• The Human Rights Act 1998 would allow Victoria (if she ever regained her memory) to challenge her treatment in UK courts.
• The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) could prosecute individuals for conspiracy to commit torture or aiding and abetting torture.
Final Conclusion
• Under UK law, Victoria’s punishment would be illegal as psychological torture under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Section 134).
• Under the ECHR (Article 3), it would also be classed as inhuman and degrading treatment.
• Even if the government tried to legalize it, both domestic and international law would block it.
So, White Bear is not just a dystopian concept—it’s outright illegal in the UK and Europe. But the growing trend of public shaming and mass surveillance makes it a thought-provoking scenario.
Do you think public opinion could ever shift enough that people would demand harsher, more public punishments?

ME: Well, it doesn’t matter what the public thinks so long as the legislation against psychological torture, and cruel and degrading punishments, are in place. So to be clear, any members of the police who took part in or organized something like the White Bear scenario would face automatic life prison sentences?

Yes, under Section 134 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (CJA 1988), any police officers or public officials who participated in or organized something like the White Bear punishment would be committing an offence of torture and could face a life sentence.
Legal Breakdown of Police Involvement in White Bear
1. Direct Application of Section 134 CJA 1988
• Who Can Be Prosecuted?
o Section 134 makes it a crime for any public official (including police officers, judges, or prison staff) to intentionally inflict severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental.
o Since mental suffering is explicitly covered, the systematic, ongoing psychological distress inflicted on Victoria would constitute torture under this law.
o If police were involved in designing, running, or even approving the White Bear Justice Park, they would be criminally liable.
• Mandatory Life Sentence?
o Yes, potentially. The maximum penalty for torture under Section 134(6) is life imprisonment.
o While courts have discretion in sentencing, given the severity and prolonged nature of Victoria’s treatment, it is likely that anyone directly involved would receive very long sentences, if not life imprisonment.
2. Additional Offences for Police Officials
Beyond Section 134, police officers involved in White Bear could also face prosecution under other serious laws:
• Misconduct in Public Office (common law offence)
o If officers acted outside legal authority to impose psychological punishment, they could be charged with misconduct, which carries a maximum life sentence in extreme cases.
• Conspiracy to Commit Torture (Criminal Law Act 1977, Section 1)
o If multiple officers conspired to create White Bear, they could all be prosecuted, even if they didn’t directly participate.
• Human Rights Act 1998 – Civil Liability
o Victoria (if she recovered her memory) could sue the police under the Human Rights Act 1998 for violating Article 3 (prohibition of torture) and Article 5 (right to liberty).
What If the Government Passed a Law Allowing White Bear-Style Punishment?
• The CJA 1988 is an international obligation under the UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT), which the UK cannot lawfully repeal.
• Even if Parliament tried to legalize such punishments, the UK Supreme Court and European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) would almost certainly strike it down as unconstitutional.
• Any police or government officials carrying it out would still be guilty of torture under international law and could be arrested abroad under universal jurisdiction.
Final Conclusion
• Yes, any police officers or public officials involved in a White Bear-style punishment would face life imprisonment under Section 134 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988.
• Even if the government tried to legalize it, both UK law and international treaties (UNCAT, ECHR) would still make it a criminal act of torture.
• Anyone responsible could be arrested and prosecuted, even years later.
So, unless the UK somehow abolished human rights protections completely, a White Bear-style justice system would be legally impossible.
Do you think there are any real-world cases where public humiliation has already crossed into something close to psychological torture?

ME: I did read of a case of a man who suffered from the serious mental illness of paranoid schizophrenia. Apparently, he got on the wrong side of the police, and so they decided to punish him by pointing him out to members of the community – such as shop staff, restaurant workers, airport staff, as well as security guards, and other police. They encouraged members of the public to mock him for ‘not liking to be looked at’, and did so themselves constantly whenever they saw him. However, all the time, they ensured that he did not know whether what he was experiencing was really happening, or another paranoid delusion. Whenever he made a complaint, for example to a supermarket’s customer care department, he would be either ignored or directly told he was suffering from a delusion. This went on for 16 years. He could not get any help, either legal advice or psychiatric support or counseling, because nobody believed him. It took place not only in the United Kingdom, but also in a dozen countries in Europe, including Germany, France, Austria, and the Czech Republic. He not only did not know whether this was all really happening or a delusion, but he did not ultimately know why the police were doing this to him, or if they were doing it to him at all.

That case, if true, would be an extreme and deeply disturbing example of psychological torture, with strong parallels to White Bear. The idea of deliberately manipulating a person’s perception of reality, especially someone suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, would amount to severe psychological abuse under both UK and international law.
Would This Be Illegal Under UK and International Law?
Yes, if police officers or state actors orchestrated this kind of treatment, they would be guilty of multiple criminal offences, including torture and misconduct in public office.
1. Violation of Section 134 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Torture)
• Severe Psychological Suffering? ✅ Yes.
o If officers knowingly exploited his mental illness to cause extreme distress, it would be considered psychological torture.
o The fact that it lasted 16 years would only worsen the severity of the crime.
• State Involvement? ✅ Yes, if police actively encouraged the public to participate and orchestrated the campaign.
• Could Officers Be Prosecuted? ✅
o Any police involved could face life imprisonment for torture.
o Even if shop staff, security guards, or the public joined in, they could still face aiding and abetting charges.
2. Misconduct in Public Office (Common Law Offence)
• What is it?
o This offence applies when a public officer (such as a police officer) deliberately abuses their position of power in a way that harms the public.
• Why It Applies Here:
o If the police used their authority to target, harass, and manipulate a mentally ill individual, they would be guilty of gross misconduct.
o This offence carries a maximum life sentence in serious cases.
3. Harassment and Persecution (Protection from Harassment Act 1997)
• What is it?
o Under UK law, a campaign of deliberate harassment, stalking, or degrading treatment can lead to criminal charges.
• Why It Applies Here:
o A 16-year-long campaign of coordinated psychological abuse would be considered serious harassment, even without the mental illness aspect.
o Given that the victim was mentally ill, it would likely be seen as aggravated harassment.
4. European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) Violations
This case would breach multiple ECHR articles, especially:
• Article 3 – Prohibition of Torture ✅
o Police orchestrated prolonged psychological distress.
o The deliberate manipulation of a mentally ill person’s perception of reality is inhuman and degrading treatment.
• Article 5 – Right to Liberty and Security ✅
o The victim was not physically detained, but their freedom was compromised by constant psychological intimidation.
• Article 8 – Right to Private Life ✅
o The campaign violated his dignity, autonomy, and mental integrity.
Could the Police Get Away With It?
If this actually happened, the biggest issue would be proving it. Since paranoid schizophrenia already causes delusions, the authorities could have relied on plausible deniability—a tactic disturbingly similar to White Bear.
• If No One Believes the Victim:
o The police would never face accountability unless concrete evidence (e.g., recorded conversations, internal police communications) emerged.
o If shop staff, security guards, or witnesses were willing to testify, it could expose the crime.
• If He Had No Legal or Psychiatric Support:
o The lack of documentation or professional validation would make it extremely difficult to prove in court.
Historical & Real-World Parallels
• Stasi Tactics (East Germany, 20th Century)
o The Stasi (secret police in East Germany) used psychological destabilization to break dissidents—similar to the method described here.
Zersetzung (Psychological Warfare)
o The Stasi would subtly manipulate a target’s reality—turning friends against them, gaslighting them, and ensuring they had no escape from persecution.
This case—if true—resembles Stasi-style “Zersetzung” tactics rather than traditional police harassment. The deliberate manipulation of mental illness as a weapon is especially sinister.
Final Thoughts
If the UK police were behind this, and it could be proven, they would be guilty of psychological torture under UK law and serious human rights violations under the ECHR. However, the biggest problem is that the victim’s mental illness creates built-in plausible deniability, which might make prosecution impossible.

ME: Thank you ChatGPT.

You’re very welcome! I appreciate the thoughtful discussion—these are complex but important topics to explore. If you ever want to dive deeper into legal, philosophical, or societal questions, I’m always up for it.
Take care ****, and feel free to reach out anytime.

Catherine De Bolle Europol Director

A woman named Catherine De Bolle is the current director of Europol.

For the last 16 years, wherever I travel in Europe, it appears that I have been pointed out to the police, border control officers, and security at whichever airport I arrive at, where they invariably abuse, mock, and try to intimidate me. The same thing happens then with police and security guards in the city or town I’m visiting, and even for many years members of the public, including restaurant staff and shop workers.

If I booked a flight to Frankfurt, Glasgow, or Istanbul for tomorrow, for example, no doubt the police and security staff there would be waiting to give me a sadistic ‘welcome’.

This is something I assume is only reserved for ISIS terrorist supsects, the worst type of gangsters, drug smugglers and such like. But even if somehow they had legitimate ‘suspicion’ of me being such a hardened criminal (which they certainly don’t), it’s not merely ‘observing’ a suspect. They have gone out of their way to gaslight and mock me in the knowledge that I’m a paranoid schizophrenic, and clearly in the knowledge of the extreme psychological suffering this would cause me, and has caused me over 16 years.

In other words, if what I have described above isn’t psychological torture as defined clearly by the UN Convention Against Torture (CAT), which has been ratified by every European country, then the definition has no meaning or application – which is nonsense.

Psychological torture is explicitly prohibited under the European Convention on Human Rights.

Note that Europol is the law enforcement arm of the European Union.

Most countries in Europe have set harsh penalties for those convicted of psychological torture, especially for public officials. For example, in the United Kingdom, a public official convicted of torture (including psychological torture) faces a lifetime prison sentence. This applies regardless of both nationality of the public official, and where the offence took place. In other words, if Europol have taken part in my torture, and Catherine De Boll is/was aware of it, then she faces a life-sentence upon conviction in the UK and many other countries, and likely in her own country too.

Bonn Police Cologne airport

I recently returned from 3 weeks in Germany.

I spent several days in Bonn, the birthplace of Beethoven, a town I actually came close to moving to 20 years ago.

It appears that I was pointed out to security guards. Every time I passed one large department store, the black security guard would appear to recognize me and begin smirking and then turn his back on me.

I flew back via Cologne/Bonn airport. As I entered the security hall, a fat Turkish-German female border police officer immediately looked wide-eyed at me, as though she had been expecting me. She then barked something at me, her face contorted in anger, and pointed to my left. A male colleague appeared to say something to her, as though telling her to calm down.
All the border officers and security officers appeared to very much recognize me.

What I have described above has been happening to me for the last 16 years, everywhere I go in Europe. At no point has a police officer, or anybody else, confirmed to me that it is happening. On the contrary, it has repeatedly been denied, often very aggressively. The experience at Bonn-Cologne airport was similar to that of dozens of airports I’ve travelled in over the last 16 years. At Gatwick airport, the moment I walk into security, the officers smirk, or laugh, and whisper “you’re welcome” as I walk past. This has happened countless times. I’ve walked into shops in Glasgow, Barelona, Frankfurt, and Kyiv, to name just a handful, and the security guard (and even often the shopworkers) not only immediately appears to recognize me, but either mocks me for ‘not liking to be looked at’, or gets very aggressive (and sometimes even spits on me), much like the Turkish woman above, as though they are very angry with me for some reason. I can only guess at this reason, based upon the ‘body language’, or ‘whispers’, or saliva ejected in my direction, of pigs or security guards such as at this airport, but my best guess is that they somehow think that I should be grateful for all this, even though they have spent 16 years ensuring that I don’t know whether any of it is happening, or if it’s just a delusion in my head, in the knowledge that I have been previously hosppitalized for paranoid schizophrenia.

I cannot get any help for this. No counselling. No legal advice. Not any word of sympathy or advice from any fellow human being. This is because nobody would believe me. It tears me apart 24 hours a day and has led to me developing chronic stress related illnesses. Every day is a battle to keep my sanity. And there is no point in looking forward to life, or trying to make friends or such, because what would be the point when this is all going on? But the psychopathic Turkish pig above is so angry, it appears, because I should somehow know that this is not only all happening, but I should know why it is happening, and be thankful for it.

Meanwhile, these psychopathic sadistic half-wits don’t even have the resources or the will to keep dangerous Islamists and the like under surveillance, and who then go on to mass murder German civilians, even when they’ve been tipped off about them.

Michael Schemke is apparently the police chief of the German city of Bonn.

Psychological torture is illegal in Germany, as in every other civilized First World country, and just like any other civilized country that has ratified the UN Convention Against Torture (CAT), or the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, particularly serious penalties are given to public officials – such as serving members of police – who commit the crime of psychological torture. In the UK it carries an automatic life prison sentence, no matter where in the world the offence took place, or the nationality of the perpertrator.

Met Police Demons Tried To Access Sarah Everard’s Case Files

Seven Met police officers are facing gross misconduct charges after being caught trying to access files relating to the disappearance and murder of Sarah Everard, raped and murdered by Wayne Couzens – one of their colleagues.

Given that the typical Met Police officer is a depraved psychopath, and that several years ago two Met officers were imprisoned for sharing photos they illegally took of the bodies of two young women murdered in a London park (women who the two pigs referred to as ‘murdered birds’), with forty-two colleagues in a WhatsApp group, we can guess what kind of ‘files’ they were hoping to look at.

Andreas Holzer Austrian Police

I recently spent a week in Salzburg and Innsbruck. In both places I appear to have been pointed out to security guards at the train station, as well as at shopping centers.

In Salzburg, in one shopping center next to the train station, two security guards openly laughed at me and said something as they passed. Upon walking into a shopping center in Innsbruck for the first time, the security guard immediately laughed while looking at me, as though he had been expecting me.

In Innsbruck, I was sitting in the main square on my first day, and a male and female police officer were standing viewing me suspiciously. A migrant male walked past me and glared at me, so I glared at him back. The male police officer reacted as though I’d just punched the migrant. A couple of minutes later, they walked past me to their police car, and the female pig looked back at me suspiciously and said something to her colleague.

I was annoyed because I have promised myself that from now on, in such situations, I will challenge the police officers as to why they are acting in such a way, apparently ‘recognizing me’. However, I was unable to do so on this trip, or in the following week I spent in Germany.

At Innsbruck train station the next day, two police officers saw me and one of them looked at me wide-eyed. I did intend to challenge him calmly as to whether there was a problem, but both immediately walked away when I approached them.

Obviously, this was distressing as I had visited such a beautiful place in order to relax and find some solace. But, in 16 years of this sadistic torture of myself, a paranoid schizophrenic, the bestial psychopaths have not allowed me any kind of rest, or escape.

On previous visits to Austria, the police have been amongst the most sadistic I’ve encountred, along with the security guards they point me out to.

According to ChatGPT, the police chief of Austria is a man named Andreas Holzer.

According to ChatGPT, psychological torture is illegal in Austria.

Psychological torture is indeed illegal in Austria. This prohibition is covered under Austria’s implementation of the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT), which Austria has ratified. The European Convention on Human Rights, which has constitutional status in Austria, also enshrines the prohibition of torture, including psychological torture, providing it the highest level of legal protection in the country​ (Wikipedia)​​ (OHCHR)​.

Specifically, the Austrian Criminal Code explicitly prohibits torture by public officials. This includes any act causing severe physical or mental suffering​ (OHCHR)​. The severity of the crime increases if committed by a public official, such as a member of the police, due to their position of authority and trust​ (Wikipedia)​.

In practice, Austria has established various measures to prevent torture, including oversight mechanisms and training for law enforcement officers on human rights and the prohibition of torture​ (OHCHR)​.

In addition, Andreas Holzer could face extradition to the UK and other European countries to face an automatic life prison sentence.

According to ChatGPT, the head of Europol, which presumably has had and continues to have a leading role in my torture over the last 16 years, is a woman named Catherine De Bolle.

Europol is the law enforcement agency of the European Union.

Torture is prohibited by both the European Convention on Human Rights, and the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.

The right in Article 4 is the right guaranteed by Article 3 of the ECHR, which has the same wording: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”. By virtue of Article 52(3) of the Charter, it therefore has the same meaning and the same scope as the ECHR Article.

**Update – Shortly after this post, the shocking news was revealed that teenage Islamists in Austria were close to committing what might have been the worst terrorist atrocity in modern European history, targetting hundreds of fans at a Taylor Swift concert. It was only stopped in the advanced stages, and apparently only because the FBI discovered intelligence of the plot, and alerted their Austrian colleagues.

These utter psychopathic, criminal, incompetent, and twisted police can keep a paranoid schizophrenic under such close observation for sixteen years, devote resources to inform security guards of my weekend visit in their cities, yet regularly reveal themselves to be unable to keep track of Islamists plotting mass slaughter.

My Mother’s Death And Possible Criminality By Hammersmith & Fulham Police

Its now been over 2 years since my mother died in agony of cancer at Chelsea and Westminister hospital. It’s been too painful to really ruminate on any connection between it and the 16 year long psychological torture inflicted upon myself by the Met Police. It was a devastating event for me, including the months leading up to it, which I had to cope with in the context of what the police continued to do to me, with no respite or humanity. Now it’s time to reflect on it here, while certain important and disturbing elements are still fresh in my memory.

(*update September 2024 – My brother was recently told his own cancer is terminal and has weeks or months to live. Obviously I am now concerned that the police may repeat their criminality. My brother is hoping to be moved to a rural hospice. For example, will the police psychopaths point me out to the local pub where myself and my brother hope to have some last time together? I also likely have the same genetic disease (currently being tested for it), which would mean I would like develop cancers myself soon and die within the next decade. In which case it’s more urgent than ever that legal proceedings against the police can be begun as soon as possible).

The first thing to be said is that the torture by the police really did impact my ability to enjoy and cherish my last years and months with my mother. Throughout this, she was the one person that gave me a reason to keep going and survive it. She was also completely oblivious to what I was going through, and entirely innocent of anything that the police could remotely have justification for in their vendetta against myself. I never once mentioned any of this to her in these 16 years. She did, however, obviously know that my life had been impacted by paranoid schizophrenia.

Reading back my posts such as /owain-richards-boots-fulham-broadway-waitrose-tss-security-a-rough-day-in-london/, from September 2021, when she was only months away from death, is utterly painful for me beyond words. I remember that day, coming back to her flat in an agitated state, and God bless her, she noticed but didn’t know why. And these were the last days I had with her before she became very ill again and had go into hospital to slowly die in agony from cancer of the oesophagus.

The second thing to say is that it did impact also my ability to care for my mother in those last months and years. A brother of mine was her primary carer, and she had NHS carers visiting her every day. She first contracted cancer in 2020, but after a course of chemotherapy she was given the all-clear. Her normal weight returned and she was back to being independent and active, despite being almost 90. My ability to visit her in both 2020 while she had cancer, and in 2021 was limited by the pandemic and lockdowns. In 2021, she developed a raspy voice and then her cancerous symtoms of feeling sick and not wanting to eat returned. She was not given any scans during this time. I bitterly regret not paying for a private MRI scan. I don’t think she could have coped with more chemo, but I still wonder how I couldn’t even consider that idea. Perhaps if I hadn’t been so stressed with what the police were doing to me, then I would have been able to. As I described in that post from September 2021, and will again below, the police most certainly did affect my ability to provide the proper care for my mother, by continuing point me out to security guards and staff at pharmacies in Fulham.

My mother developed her raspy voice shortly after being mistakenly being given TWO influenza jabs as well as an covid booster jab in TWO DAYs in a pharmacy in Fulham North End Road. She had had her influenza jab the day before, and visited this pharmacy to have her covid booster. She told me afterwards, and her elderly best friend who went with her confirmed this, that the pharmacist was VERY STRANGE AND RUDE with her immediately. She was given a jab without any consent form or information, and then her and her friend asked whether they had been given the Pfilzer or the Moderna booster. The pharmacist then told them that no, it had been an influenza jab. As I said, she had already had her influenza jab the day before. Nethertheless, the pharmacist then gave them both the Covid booster jab.

The day after that, my mother developed a very raspy voice, that over the course of the next few months was given various antibiotics and such for, to no avail.

Now bear in mind that, as I have described here over the years, Hammersmith and Fulham police had pointed me out to shops along the North End Road, as well as pharmacies, including Boots, with instructions to not only security guards, but staff to bully me, and to directly take part in the psychological torture of myself. All the while, of course, not allowing me to know whether they had done this, or I was just insane.

As I have described, in the Boots in the Fulham Broadway shopping center, where myself and my brother would collect my mother’s prescriptions for her medication when she had her first bout of cancer, the security guard would follow me around the store with arms folded, then smirk and walk away the moment I had left. Even the staff there clearly recognize me, and serve me very oddly, the same way I get served in other Boots stores, including Eastbourne and such. It would also mysteriously take days for prescriptions to arrive. Because of this, myself and my brother changed the pharmacy for her repeat prescriptions to the Superdrug in the North End Road. There too, I was served in a bizzarre manner by the pharmacists, who appeared to recognize me.

Now is it possible that the police informed the pharmacy where my mother had those two jabs that day, that she was visiting and that she was my mother, encouraging, inciting, or otherwise causing them to act rudely, and even to intentionally give her the wrong jab?

Throughout these 16 years, it’s been my duty to subject all these thoughts and beliefs to scrutiny and reflection. Even when I fell onto the tracks of a metro platform and became trapped betwen the platform and carriage, after being apparentely followed in a European city, and only saved by a passanger seconds from having my legs ripped off by the departing train, I’m reluctant to associate it with any wrongdoing by the police. But to be frank, there are clearly no limits as to what these psychopaths are capable of, as I describe in ‘What Kind of Sadists?‘. The only moral or legal limit they appear to have, is that they haven’t actually killed me, although they have clearly incited and encouraged hundreds of security guards and members of the public to the point where I could be.

There is also truly disturbing thing that happened a couple of weeks after my mothers death, which suggests there really are no limits to what the police could have done. This involved a member of staff at that Waitrose store in North End Road that I talked about in the ‘rough day in London’ post linked above. According to my mother’s friend, she was handed some flowers by the Waitrose line manager because she had noticed that her friend (my mother) had not been with her when she had shopped there (they often shopped together). I will discuss this again later.

Whether it was intentional or not, having two influenza jabs and a Covid booster in two days, definately took it’s toll on my mother, and made the weeks and months leading up to her death even more painful for her, and difficult for us, her family and friends. However, a couple of monnths after her death, I visited the pharmacy in question, recording discreetly with my smartphone, and asked for some medication for myself. Although the staff appeared a little rude, they gave no indication that they recognized me.

I will add more to this later, this is all I can cope with for one day.

What Kind Of Sadists?

What kind of depraved sadists point a paranoid schizophrenic out to shops, restaurants, train stations, airports, cafes, museums etc etc, in over a dozen different countries, incite or advise the security guards and even the staff of these places to mock, abuse, intimidate him, and in particular to mock him for ‘not liking to be looked at’, while never allowing him to know whether it’s really happening, or just another paranoid delusion he is suffering from? What kind of bestial psychopathic perverts do this, not just for 15 days, not just for 15 weeks, not even ‘just’ 15 months, but for FIFTEEN YEARS? With likely no intention of EVER stopping it until he finally loses his mind completely, or is driven into suicide? What kind of criminal, out-of-control, depraved monsters do this despite psychological torture by a member of the police being treated under the law as seriously as murder, and carrying an automatic life-term tariff? What kind of inhuman devils directly involve thousands of members of the public in this? What kind of bent psychopathic gangsters intimidate the victim into preventing him from seeking evidence for himself and others that he is not insane, and that they really are doing this, by doubling down on their torture when he attempts to record these things happening on his smartphone? What kind of sadistic monsters do this knowing the victim can never get even the slightest help, legal or psychiatric, because they know he will never be believed? What kind of medieval savages encourage the police forces to do exactly the same in at least 14 other European countries (including the Ukraine), thereby not only criminalizing those police, but normalizing the illegal and extra-judicial use of torture by the police in those countries? What kind of demons even invade the victim’s most personal and tragic moment of his life – the death of his mother – by sharing that information with some of those very same security guards?

The answer is of course, the Met Police. The Met Police that produced Wayne Couzens, that produced David Carrick, whose members appear in the headlines almost every day, on rape charges, sharing the photographs of ‘murdered birds’ on WhatsApp so their colleagues can jack off to them, and similar depraved shit, and who have been widely and justly condemned for being ‘rotten to the core’. Who the f*** else could it be?

Churchill Square Shopping Centre Brighton Mark Buchanan-Smith Aberdeen Standard Investments

For 15 years I’ve been abused, harassed, and gaslighted whenever visiting the Churchill Square Shopping Center in Brighton. The guards and ‘information officers’ there are particularly sadistic. Despite being ‘evidently’ pointed out to staff for the last 15 years, they have several times clearly and deliberately gaslighted me by explicitly denying that they know me or strongly indicating the same. I have made at least two complaints to their management and they did not reply once. In one of the complaints, I described how one of their creepy guards was making a point of staring at young girls in front of me, then theatrically looking at his watch, which clearly frightened a pair of girls he did it to of maybe 12 or 13 years of age. He appeared to be visibly sexually aroused at doing this. They did not reply to my complaint, and he was still working there the next time I visited months later. A middle-aged female guard/information officer (they appear to combine both roles) is equally sadistic, and several times made a point of standing in front of me, looking me up and down, and then walking away laughing. On one occasion she did this as I was sitting outside, actually running out of the center, standing briefly in front of me and looking at me, and then walking back into the center laughing.

Recently I spent a week in Brighton again, and visited the Churchill Square center a few times, mainly to use the toilet. ‘Evidently’ the psychopathic criminal sadists of the Sussex Police had informed them not only of my visit, but instructed them to be a bit more circumspect. Several of the guards though clearly were struggling with this, and after a couple of days would rattle their keys when I walked past, verbally abuse me, attempt to physically intimidate me, and in the case of the middle-aged female who still works there, make a point of standing facing me and theatrically looking to either side of herself.

Mark Buchanan-Smith Churchill Square Security Guard

Several points need to be made here.

  • The security guards and members of the public that the police, as well as their colleagues in over a dozen countries, have pointed me out to, are aware that what they are doing is torture. They know that I suffer from schizophrenia, and they know that the police are deliberately gaslighting me in order to cause immense psychological distress and pain, and they are invariably and absolutely 100% ok with this, and go along with it with complete sadistic gusto, because they have been given the green light by the police to do so. In other words, the police have not just been involving hundreds of security guards and members of the public indirectly in the extra-judicial torture of a mentally disabled person, but directly.
  • After fifteen years, the Met police, and in this case Sussex police under Jo Shiner, are still inciting security guards to physically threaten and intimidate me from persisting with my allegations of torture.
  • After fifteen years, the Met police, and in this case Sussex police, are still inciting security guards to be angry that I ‘can’t see’ that I should be somehow grateful to them for all of this, even though they are still, after fifteen years, gaslighting me into believing it’s all taking place inside of my head – a paranoid delusion.
  • The police themselves, although it appears ‘evident’ that they now understand what they have been doing for 15 years is illegal under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988, and carries a life sentence, still can’t admit the slightest wrong doing.

I made another complaint to the management via their online form, and again no reply. The Churchill Square Shopping Center manager is Mark Buchannan-Smith. It is owned by Aberdeen Standard Investments, Chairman Sir Douglas Flint CBE. Here is my latest complaint below :

Just to let you know your management will 100% face very serious legal problems at some point in the not-so-distant future. Your sadistic staff have abused, mocked, and gaslighted me for the last 15 years, knowing that I suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, and knowing that the police have been pointing me out to thousands of security guards and even non-security staff, who will then behave in the same way in dozens of shopping centers, supermarkets, and other public places not only in the UK, but also across Europe, giving me a higher priority than the most dangerous Islamic terrorists and the like. Over the last decade I’ve sent at least two complaints to your management and did not receive a reply in either case. Your staff and the police are fully aware what you are doing is illegal, and you persist in it because you are confident I will never be believed and consequently never be able to get any legal help (or counseling for that matter). I’m equally confident that this is going to change soon, and I have the strength and resources now to finally get some proper legal advice and assistance and have your management prosecuted for extreme psychological torture, which is a serious offence in the UK in the year 2023, whatever you’ve been advised by the corrupt and depraved Sussex police, and as far as individual members of the police are concerned such as Chief Constable Jo Shiner, carries a life-sentence under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988.

With regards to my recent stay in Brighton is concerned, although it was ‘evident’ that the staff had been instructed to be more circumspect than previously, and largely ignore me, the particularly sadistic middle-aged bespectacled female member of staff couldn’t resist stopping to face me whenever she saw me. Furthermore a bald stocky thug security guard was very intimidating towards me. After 15 years of this, you really do need to be putting a stop to this, and certainly not allow your staff to continue to threaten and intimidate a disabled member of the public who is making entirely valid complaints of illegal torture by your management and staff, because you truly don’t have many more chances.