I will send this probably tomorrow. Of course, nothing will come of it. If they do reply, it will be to advise me to make a complaint to the IOPC, or maybe just suggest I talk to my doctor… meanwhile, an emboldened Met Police will ‘punish’ me for my temerity in seeking legal advice after 15 years of illegal torture that is literally killing me, by pointing me out in hundreds more shops, perhaps incite Easy Jet cabin crew to spit on me on my next flight to London etc, etc.
Dear Sir/Madam, I am contacting you in the hope that I may find some help after 15 years of fruitless appeals to anti-torture organizations, as well as legal firms that specialize in human rights abuses and cases of malpractice against the police. For the last 15 years, the Met police together with their colleagues in multiple other regions of the UK, and 13 other countries in Europe, appear to have been pointing me out to not only police officers, and not only hundreds of security guards in shopping centers and the like, but also on many occasions cashiers, barristas, museum staff etc. The issue in itself is not whether they have the legal right or justification to keep me ‘under surveillance’ on such a scale, but the fact they have done so knowing that I previously suffered from paranoid schizophrenia.
But more than that, they have deliberately tried to ensure I do not know if it is or is not actually happening in the understanding and intent that this will cause me extreme psychological distress on account of my illness, while I will find it near impossible to get help or be believed (which is exactly what has happened over the last 15 years). Further, they have not simply advised security guards and members of the public to ‘keep an eye on me’. They have clearly advised them to mock, abuse, intimidate, and on many occasions, threaten me in response to the allegations and complaints that I have made.
I have contacted two law firms that specialize in claims against the police, alledging that this constitutes torture on the part of the Met Police and the other police forces concerned. Both of the law firms that I contacted – GT Stewart, and Hodge Jones & Allen LLP – replied back stating that they ‘did not have the resources’ to help me. Both also suggested that I contact you.
I have video and audio evidence that what I have described above is true. I have subjected my beliefs to rigorous CBT reality testing techniques that I was taught when I was ill 25 years ago. I have been very stable since a relapse 15 years ago (which appears to have been the ‘justification’ for what the police have done since), and am very much financially independent, able to work and function on a daily basis that would be near impossible if I was still ill and suffering from delusions or hallucinations. That is not to say, that what I have endured over the last 15 years has not had a devastating effect upon my physical and mental health.
As you are likely aware, under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988 provisions relating to the implementation of the ratification of the 1984 UN Convention Against Torture, it is an offence carrying a life sentence for a public official such as a police officer to intentionally cause severe psychological pain to an individual.
In the light of recent scandals regarding the rotten culture of the Met Police and the resignation of Cressida Dick, would there be one organization or one individual in the UK in the year 2022 that I could contact, that would find what I have described above of at least some small concern – that the culture of the Met police and the leadership of Cressida Dick was even more depraved and criminal than the recent shocking scandals have pointed to, and that Dick herself, as well as her two predecessors Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe and Sir Paul Stephenson, and serving senior police officers such as Chief Superintendent Owain Richards, may be liable to life term custodial sentences – and therefore be willing to help me in some way? If the only help you can provide is advice from a lawyer as to whether or not what I have described above would in fact be illegal on the part of the Met Police, that itself would give me some strength to survive this.
*UPDATE – I have still not yet sent the request for help to the Law Society. On a Ryanair flight from Stanstead this summer, I was indeed verbally abused by cabin crew.