Sometimes this just gets all too much. The media are rightly making a big thing about the Islamist dickhead who killed four people in Vienna the other day, being known – like so many of them – already to the security services. These incompetent?? bent psychopaths appear not to have the resources to keep track of radical Islamists who go on to kill and/or behead multiple people, yet they can keep myself – somebody in the past who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia – under surveillance to the extent, for example, of informing the guards at every single shopping center in Europe that I visit, of my arrival. The justification being, apparently, that I get a little bit ‘paranoid’ and suspicious about this. Never once violent, just looking a bit upset or agitated, and occasionally asking to see a manager to make a complaint.
Again, if you’re reading this and assuming I am just a ‘nutter’ suffering from a delusion, then consider that I have built up a large amount of video and audio evidence that I am being kept under ‘surveillance’ in this manner. I have been stable (despite all this) for over a decade, and am completely independent. I am a highly intelligent person, with a degree in philosophy, and I am fully able to critique my beliefs in a rational and objective manner, and unfortunately, it is highly likely that they are really doing this.
And it gets worse than that. Not only had this Austrian Islamist been caught and (briefly) imprisoned for trying to fight for ISIS in Syria, and commit genocide, rape, and all the rest these twats get up to, but he had also been recently caught, after his release obviously, trying to purchase ammunition.
Austrian police have been among the worst bent psychopaths in the 13 years I’ve suffered through this. I’ve visited Vienna several times, and each time it was clear that not only had I been pointed out to every pig in the center of the city – who would mock me for ‘not liking to be looked at by them – but also by security guards at the train station and elsewhere. They too, would go out of their way to mock me in the same way. Exactly the same thing happened in Graz, which I also visited a couple of years ago.
Even if the bent psychopathic subhumans do or did have a legitimate reason to keep me under this kind of surveillance, how could they possibly prioritize me over people like this, the most dangerous people imaginable, intent on terrorism, genocide and mass rape? How could this be anything other than a sadistic vendetta on their part against somebody who will suffer like few others because of it? I.e., psychological torture of the most extreme and inhuman kind?
And again – this isn’t just ‘surveillance’. The hundreds or thousands of guards and non-security staff I’m pointed out to are encouraged or incited to bully, harass, mock, as well as intimidate me, and above all, gaslight me.