Police Hunt Pair Who ‘Licked Food’ In Sainsburys

For over 12 years, I’ve been pointed out to security guards in dozens of Sainsburys supermarkets.

And not just security guards, but cashiers, managers, and such. (I assume in most cases, it’s the security guards pointing me out to non-security staff).

As a result of this, I get bullied, harrassed, tormented, even physically threatened by these staff, at dozens of Sainsburys stores around the UK. This started 12 years ago and it’s still taking place. For example, I visited Sainsburys in Southend for the first time in my life last year, and immediately the security guards ‘recognized me’ and began mocking me in a way suggesting that they found it funny that I was a nutter they’d been told about who ‘ didn’t like being looked at by security guards’.

Countless complaints to Sainsburys Customer Care only result in denials it is taking place AND then threats and intimidation by guards and managers at the stores in question. In fact, Sainsburys hasn’t replied to a complaint of mine for over five years.

And my life was a living torture as a result of suffering from paranoid schizophrenia BEFORE this.

As said, given that it is always denied that this is taken place (and likewise in other stores, restaurants etc.) I cannot know exactly the reason for it, other than I obviously pissed off the Met Police, apparently because they felt I ‘humiliated them’.

I know that this started 12 years ago, during a mental health crisis, in which I very regrettably mumbled ‘threats’ in a few supermarkets and restaurants in the West End of London and Battersea. On one occasion, a police officer was called and seemed hesitant to arrest me.

But never Sainsburys.

The other day I read the sickening story of two yobs who went into a Sainsburys store in Morecambe, and
licked their hands before wiping them over meat, fresh food and fridge handles.

Now, my first thought to this is that no punishment on Earth would be too harsh for these sickos.

But, hey. We do live in a civilized society. This is the 21st century. This pair need to be arrested, put in front of a court, and given the correct sentence. In any case, it doesn’t matter what I or you think. The police can’t take them to the station and give them a battering with the CCTV conveniently malfunctioning. If they did, and the truth came out, those police officers would be serving many years in prison. And anti-torture charities and legal firms would be scrambling over each other to help get those police officers put away and off the streets.

Similarly, I doubt very much if after these two (hopefully) are caught and serve their time, they will be pointed out for the rest of their lives to security guards at every supermarket store in the UK and abroad. And if that did happen, and they both turned out to be mentally ill paranoid schizophrenics acting out of madness, then it would be torture – as much as if they had been taken down the station and given a beating.

Yet I’ve been subjected to the most sadistic gaslighting and psychological torture it’s virtually possible to put a fellow human being through for over a decade. And this has/is involving not just one or two bad apples in the Met police force, but literally hundreds or thousands of them, not including their colleagues in 13 different European countries, not including the thousands of security guards, and thousands of ordinary members of the public such as shop assistants, that they have directly involved in it. It’s hardly credible that this could have taken place without the knowledge of the Chief Commissioner of the Met Cressida Dick, AND her four predecessors.

Even if I did break any law during my mental health relapse 13 years ago, I was literally out of my mind and so would expect I would not have had mens rea at the time. And yet the police are extra-judiciously torturing me for this nearly 13 years later, in 12 different countries, and presumably they intend to continue until I die (which I assume they are hoping will be through suicide soon, or equally likely one of the security firms I have been forced to make legal threats against has me killed).

And yet there appears NOTHING whatsoever I can do about any of this, and none of these bent psychopaths will ever face a court of law.
