PCSO Victor Finch Gatwick Airport 2019

I entered the boarding lounge for my flight to XXXXX at Gatwick airport, and a police community support officer was standing watching the queue as I joined it.

Nothing unusual about that in itself. Although the police at Gatwick have attempted to intimidate and gaslight me on virtually every visit for at least a decade, there must be occasions when they are genuinely watching out for a suspect or whatever, and this might be such an occasion. I tried to pay him no attention.

But I couldn’t help noticing that he had immediately appeared to recognize me (i.e. I had been pointed out to him beforehand) and was looking rather uncomfortable. In fact he was sweating quite heavily and seemed to be trying to avoid looking at me. Not so much in the theatrical and exaggeratedly mocking way bent psychopaths and security guards do to me every day in 13 different countries, but in a seemingly genuine attempt to not make eye contact with me. At any rate, the couple in front of me appeared to notice and seemed to become a little agitated by me as though they feared that the police officer was indeed there because of my presence. They must have assumed I was a dangerous and violent suspect, maybe a released ISIS member who could launch a frenzied attack on the public at any moment, rather than some sad mentally disabled individual who embarrassed the police 12 years ago by mumbling under his breath in supermarkets during a psychotic episode, and who has been deliberately and brutally gaslighted and tortured by them ever since.

The queue continued to gradually inch forward as passengers had their tickets inspected and were allowed to board the plane. After a few minutes and a few feet further forward, the police officer – who I later realized from looking at the Gatwick Sussex police page was a PCSO named Victor Finch, shuffled his corpulent frame a few feet to the right so he was again facing me directly from the side.

A few weeks later, I again boarded a flight to XXXXX from Gatwick airport. Again, PCSO Victor Finch was waiting in the departure lounge, along with his colleague PCSO Wendy Elliot. Both clearly, again, appeared to recognize me (i.e., I had been pointed out to them).

This time not only did PCSO Victor Finch shuffle along the boarding lounge so that he was more or less parallel with me, but the moment I showed my ticket to the Easyjet employee, with a number of people still behind me in the queue, he said to her – ‘well that’s our job done for the night, goodbye’, and he and his colleague left.

Looking at his Twitter page, this guy is a ‘disablity advocate‘. In fact, it appears to be his entire identity.

I have been pointed out to Easyjet cabin crew for a number of years flying from Gatwick. Whatever information is given to them about me, it results in an apparent absolute confidence in them that I deserve it, that I deserve to be subjected to this sadism. For example, numerous times as I exit the aeroplane, the stewardess will make a point of cheerily saying ‘thank you, bye’ to each and every passenger, and then either ignore me, say ‘you’re welcome’ in a snarky tone, or say simply ‘take care’ in a serious tone. Of course, I’m being paranoid here, it’s just another million to one co-incidence.

For several years the police/Gatwick security/Gatwick PCSO’s appeared to have stopped doing this. But early in 2018, I made an appeal for help to the leading British anti-torture charity Redress, explaining that the police had been deliberately gaslighting me for a decade across an entire continent, knowing the immense psychological pain and duress (that I would likely not be able to survive) it would cause me on account of my past history as a sufferer of schizophrenia. In the e-mail sent to the chairwoman of Redress, I mentioned my history of abuse at the hands of Easyjet cabin crew, and told her of my plans to make a complaint to the Civil Aviation Authority about this.

The chairwoman of Redress – Carla Ferstman – replied back briefly telling me they didn’t have time to help and that I should speak to my local Citizen’s Advice Bureau if I have any ‘concerns’ about being tortured by the Metropolitan police. This was actually an improvement on my previous attempt to seek help from Redress almost ten years earlier not long after the torture began. On that occasion, the head of Redress – a Kevin James if I recall correctly – actually told me to fuck off, essentially. And for my troubles, I was rewarded a couple of days later with several Met police officers bearing Heckler and Koch submachine guns, following me into Starbucks in South Kensington, glaring aggressively at me without attempting to order anything, and then walking out.

I’m pretty sure that dismissal by Kevin James and Redress basically gave the Met Police, and the many other police forces in Europe acting on behalf of the Met, the greenlight for the next decade and more to continue to torture me.

On this occasion after my second unsuccessful appeal for help to Redress, several days later, I took a flight from Gatwick with Easyjet to XXXXX. It was clear that for the first time in a while, I had been pointed out again to the cabin crew, several of whom were extremely aggressive, one of them continually clenching his fists and even baring his clenched teeth as he walked past me down the aisle. At another point, he just stared at me almost appealingly and then started shaking his head.

For over twelve years, I have been pointed out to not just border control, but evidently even to the men and women at the entrance to border security whose job it is simply to point passengers to the security scanners. These staff make a theatrical point of communicating the fact that I have been pointed out to them, among other things saying (or rather whispering) sarcastically ‘you’re welcome’ and laughing as I walk past them. Since I started audio recording much of my life last year, they have suddenly stopped doing this.

PCSO Victor Finch has won a police award for his ‘disability advocacy’ and dedication to ‘neurodiversity’. I wonder if the bent psychopaths will give him an award for his small contribution to the continent wide decade long torture of a paranoid schizophrenic? Perhaps he will receive it from them only when I’ve either been successfully driven into suicide or am locked up in a straitjacket, my head banging against the padded walls of a psychiatric unit until the end of my days, not even able to recognize or relate to my fellow ‘neurodiverse’ patients?

“A passionate PCSO has been shortlisted for an Inclusive Companies Award for his dedication to diversity.

Victor Finch has been the driving force behind a number of campaigns and initiatives aimed at raising awareness and improving the lives of people with disabilities.

During his time with the force, he has worked his way up to secretary of the Sussex Police Disability and Carers Association, and has been a key player in ensuring Sussex Police delivers its promise to adhere to the Equality Act.

Now, he has been shortlisted for the ‘employee of the year’ title at the Inclusive Companies Awards (formerly the Excellence in Diversity Awards), which takes place on 15 November.

The awards celebrate those who go above and beyond the call of duty to improve the lives of others in workplaces and communities around them.

Vic, of the Gatwick Prevention Team, has assisted Gatwick Airport and the local community with a number of events, supporting charities such as Chestnut Tree House and Outreach 3 Way.

Furthermore, he was heavily involved in Gatwick becoming the first autism-friendly airport in the UK, which is now accepted by the Civil Aviation Authority as best practice nationally for all UK airports.

He added: “I feel I give considerable energy and enthusiasm to ensure everything I do is a success. My personal and professional commitment has a profound effect on many others, and this has been recognised outside of the organisation and nationally.”

Well yeah, I can certainly vouch for that.


*When he’s not participating in the extra-judicial torture and likely attempted murder of a mentally disabled member of the public through the brutal, deliberate, and systematic use of gaslighting, and the normalization of such things across the entire continent of Europe, I’m sure Victor Finch is a super woke bloke and a champion defender of disability rights, so please don’t stop liking his Tweets. I think that’s very important to him.


According to provision 1 of section 134 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 :

A public official or person acting in an official capacity, whatever his nationality, commits the offence of torture if in the United Kingdom or elsewhere he intentionally inflicts severe pain or suffering on another in the performance or purported performance of his official duties.

Provision 3 makes it clear that this includes psychological torture.

(3)It is immaterial whether the pain or suffering is physical or mental and whether it is caused by an act or an omission.

Provision 6 states that the maximum sentence for a public official who engages in torture, is life in prison.

A person who commits the offence of torture shall be liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for life.
