Bonn Police Cologne airport

I recently returned from 3 weeks in Germany.

I spent several days in Bonn, the birthplace of Beethoven, a town I actually came close to moving to 20 years ago.

It appears that I was pointed out to security guards. Every time I passed one large department store, the black security guard would appear to recognize me and begin smirking and then turn his back on me.

I flew back via Cologne/Bonn airport. As I entered the security hall, a fat Turkish-German female border police officer immediately looked wide-eyed at me, as though she had been expecting me. She then barked something at me, her face contorted in anger, and pointed to my left. A male colleague appeared to say something to her, as though telling her to calm down.
All the border officers and security officers appeared to very much recognize me.

What I have described above has been happening to me for the last 16 years, everywhere I go in Europe. At no point has a police officer, or anybody else, confirmed to me that it is happening. On the contrary, it has repeatedly been denied, often very aggressively. The experience at Bonn-Cologne airport was similar to that of dozens of airports I’ve travelled in over the last 16 years. At Gatwick airport, the moment I walk into security, the officers smirk, or laugh, and whisper “you’re welcome” as I walk past. This has happened countless times. I’ve walked into shops in Glasgow, Barelona, Frankfurt, and Kyiv, to name just a handful, and the security guard (and even often the shopworkers) not only immediately appears to recognize me, but either mocks me for ‘not liking to be looked at’, or gets very aggressive (and sometimes even spits on me), much like the Turkish woman above, as though they are very angry with me for some reason. I can only guess at this reason, based upon the ‘body language’, or ‘whispers’, or saliva ejected in my direction, of pigs or security guards such as at this airport, but my best guess is that they somehow think that I should be grateful for all this, even though they have spent 16 years ensuring that I don’t know whether any of it is happening, or if it’s just a delusion in my head, in the knowledge that I have been previously hosppitalized for paranoid schizophrenia.

I cannot get any help for this. No counselling. No legal advice. Not any word of sympathy or advice from any fellow human being. This is because nobody would believe me. It tears me apart 24 hours a day and has led to me developing chronic stress related illnesses. Every day is a battle to keep my sanity. And there is no point in looking forward to life, or trying to make friends or such, because what would be the point when this is all going on? But the psychopathic Turkish pig above is so angry, it appears, because I should somehow know that this is not only all happening, but I should know why it is happening, and be thankful for it.

Meanwhile, these psychopathic sadistic half-wits don’t even have the resources or the will to keep dangerous Islamists and the like under surveillance, and who then go on to mass murder German civilians, even when they’ve been tipped off about them.

Michael Schemke is apparently the police chief of the German city of Bonn.

Psychological torture is illegal in Germany, as in every other civilized First World country, and just like any other civilized country that has ratified the UN Convention Against Torture (CAT), or the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, particularly serious penalties are given to public officials – such as serving members of police – who commit the crime of psychological torture. In the UK it carries an automatic life prison sentence, no matter where in the world the offence took place, or the nationality of the perpertrator.