Churchill Square Shopping Centre Brighton Mark Buchanan-Smith Aberdeen Standard Investments

For 15 years I’ve been abused, harassed, and gaslighted whenever visiting the Churchill Square Shopping Center in Brighton. The guards and ‘information officers’ there are particularly sadistic. Despite being ‘evidently’ pointed out to staff for the last 15 years, they have several times clearly and deliberately gaslighted me by explicitly denying that they know me or strongly indicating the same. I have made at least two complaints to their management and they did not reply once. In one of the complaints, I described how one of their creepy guards was making a point of staring at young girls in front of me, then theatrically looking at his watch, which clearly frightened a pair of girls he did it to of maybe 12 or 13 years of age. He appeared to be visibly sexually aroused at doing this. They did not reply to my complaint, and he was still working there the next time I visited months later. A middle-aged female guard/information officer (they appear to combine both roles) is equally sadistic, and several times made a point of standing in front of me, looking me up and down, and then walking away laughing. On one occasion she did this as I was sitting outside, actually running out of the center, standing briefly in front of me and looking at me, and then walking back into the center laughing.

Recently I spent a week in Brighton again, and visited the Churchill Square center a few times, mainly to use the toilet. ‘Evidently’ the psychopathic criminal sadists of the Sussex Police had informed them not only of my visit, but instructed them to be a bit more circumspect. Several of the guards though clearly were struggling with this, and after a couple of days would rattle their keys when I walked past, verbally abuse me, attempt to physically intimidate me, and in the case of the middle-aged female who still works there, make a point of standing facing me and theatrically looking to either side of herself.

Mark Buchanan-Smith Churchill Square Security Guard

Several points need to be made here.

  • The security guards and members of the public that the police, as well as their colleagues in over a dozen countries, have pointed me out to, are aware that what they are doing is torture. They know that I suffer from schizophrenia, and they know that the police are deliberately gaslighting me in order to cause immense psychological distress and pain, and they are invariably and absolutely 100% ok with this, and go along with it with complete sadistic gusto, because they have been given the green light by the police to do so. In other words, the police have not just been involving hundreds of security guards and members of the public indirectly in the extra-judicial torture of a mentally disabled person, but directly.
  • After fifteen years, the Met police, and in this case Sussex police under Jo Shiner, are still inciting security guards to physically threaten and intimidate me from persisting with my allegations of torture.
  • After fifteen years, the Met police, and in this case Sussex police, are still inciting security guards to be angry that I ‘can’t see’ that I should be somehow grateful to them for all of this, even though they are still, after fifteen years, gaslighting me into believing it’s all taking place inside of my head – a paranoid delusion.
  • The police themselves, although it appears ‘evident’ that they now understand what they have been doing for 15 years is illegal under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988, and carries a life sentence, still can’t admit the slightest wrong doing.

I made another complaint to the management via their online form, and again no reply. The Churchill Square Shopping Center manager is Mark Buchannan-Smith. It is owned by Aberdeen Standard Investments, Chairman Sir Douglas Flint CBE. Here is my latest complaint below :

Just to let you know your management will 100% face very serious legal problems at some point in the not-so-distant future. Your sadistic staff have abused, mocked, and gaslighted me for the last 15 years, knowing that I suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, and knowing that the police have been pointing me out to thousands of security guards and even non-security staff, who will then behave in the same way in dozens of shopping centers, supermarkets, and other public places not only in the UK, but also across Europe, giving me a higher priority than the most dangerous Islamic terrorists and the like. Over the last decade I’ve sent at least two complaints to your management and did not receive a reply in either case. Your staff and the police are fully aware what you are doing is illegal, and you persist in it because you are confident I will never be believed and consequently never be able to get any legal help (or counseling for that matter). I’m equally confident that this is going to change soon, and I have the strength and resources now to finally get some proper legal advice and assistance and have your management prosecuted for extreme psychological torture, which is a serious offence in the UK in the year 2023, whatever you’ve been advised by the corrupt and depraved Sussex police, and as far as individual members of the police are concerned such as Chief Constable Jo Shiner, carries a life-sentence under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988.

With regards to my recent stay in Brighton is concerned, although it was ‘evident’ that the staff had been instructed to be more circumspect than previously, and largely ignore me, the particularly sadistic middle-aged bespectacled female member of staff couldn’t resist stopping to face me whenever she saw me. Furthermore a bald stocky thug security guard was very intimidating towards me. After 15 years of this, you really do need to be putting a stop to this, and certainly not allow your staff to continue to threaten and intimidate a disabled member of the public who is making entirely valid complaints of illegal torture by your management and staff, because you truly don’t have many more chances.