Another Dirty Met Police Pig Convicted For Heineous Sex Crimes

Just a couple of years after the Wayne Couzens case, another Met Police officer has been convicted of heineous sex crimes. Like Couzens in his rape and murder of Sarah Everard, David Carrick used his position as a police officer to snare his victims. Also like Couzens, there were multiple disturbing incidents and allegations made during Carrick’s career that his colleagues ignored. Finally, just like Couzens, his Met Police colleagues did not see anything particularly unusual in the fact that he was clearly a sexual psychopath. Although in this case, they did nickname Carrick (affectionately, or out of respect?) ‘the Bastard’.

Now it emerges that over 1,000 (something like 1,600) Met Police officers are under investigation for sex crimes. The total number of Met Police numbers only around 32,000. Why should it be a surprise that such a large percentage of Met Police officers are vile psychopathic predators and sadistic sex abusers? The mother of Carrick said that he was a ‘power freak’. Is there any other type of personality that joins the Met Police? And then when you have a police culture that is clearly ‘rotten to the core’, thanks to the leadership of former chief Cressida Dick and her predecessors, it inevitably leads to brazen sex beasts such as Couzens and Carrick, who feel they can openly use their status as police officers, to snare victims, and then have their crimes ignored or brushed over by their colleagues.

And part of this ‘rotten to the core’ culture, is the normalization of sadisim and psychological torture, over the 15 years of my treatment by the Met Police. Not just by a few bad apples. Not just by one police station. Not even by just the Met Police. Not even just by the UK police. There must be literally hundreds of police officers in the UK who have been and are directly involved in the sadistic torture that I have endured for 15 years. Not one, in 15 years, appears at any stage to have possessed the moral capacity to question in the slightest what they were doing, or asked to be doing. But not only that, the Met Police have exported that same mass normalization of psychological torture to at least a dozen other countries in Europe (including that bulwark of Western civilized values, the Ukraine).

Why should it be any surprise at all, that a police force that puts an individual suffering from the devastating illness of paranoid schizophrenia, under close surveillance for 15 years, pointing him out to thousands of shop workers, restaurant workers, and of course, security guards, in over a dozen countries, encourages all those people to mock, verbally abuse, threaten and intimidate him, and all the time ensuring that he never knows whether any of it is real or just a paranoid delusion, produces the likes of Couzens and Carrick?

The offence of psychological torture in the UK, when committed by a police officer, carries a punishment of life term imprisonment under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988.

When I started trying to record through video and audio some of my experiences after 10 years of this, they used it as an excuse to ‘double down’ and point me out to hundreds or thousands more members of the public, again with encouragement to abuse, mock, degrade, and intimidate me.

And at no point whatsoever, have any of those members of the general public who have been directly involved in my torture at the request of the Met Police, ever apparently doubted what they were doing was right and legal. Despite repeated newsapaper headlines of the Met being ‘rotten to the core’, they still appear uncritically obedient when it comes to following instructions to clearly psychologically torture a mentally ill member of the public who they have been told ‘deserves it’.

Even when needing to obtain prescriptions for my elderly mother dying of cancer, they continued (or perhaps even doubled down again) pointing me out to security guards in Boots pharmacies, and apparently staff at other pharamcies, who would then abuse and intimidate me, follow me around the store smirking etc.

In the year before my mother finally died in agony from her cancer, she developed a throat infection that she could not get rid of and that made her last months of relative health a misery. She had gone for a covid jab, and instead given a flu jab, which she had already had the week before. Then she was told to come back the same day for her covid booster jab. She developed the throat problem a couple of days after. My mother, and her friend who went with her that day to the pharmacy, both said at the time that the male pharmacist had been acting very oddly and was very rude with them. Could the Met Police actually have pointed out my mother to pharmacists in the same way they have with me, leading to one to deliberately mess up my mother’s covid jab? I would be inclined to say it’s unlikely even given how depraved and criminal they clearly are, but something odd that her friend told me makes me unsure. A couple of weeks after my mother’s funeral, that friend had visited Waitrose in Fulham, the same store in which I appear to have been pointed out to staff. The woman who stands watching the tills and self-service tills (I believe the technical term is ‘line manager’) came up to my mother’s friend (who did not know her) with a bouquet of flowers, telling her that she had noticed that her friend (my mother) had not been visting with her recently (my mother and her friend would often shop in that Waitrose together). This was likely the same ‘line manager’ who earlier that year had actually theatrically made a vomiting gesture at me when shopping there.

The Met Police (or more precisely, one presumes, the depraved psychopathic perverts at Hammersmith and Fulham police station) had apparently invaded even my most private and personal grief, and informed CIS security staff at the Fulham Broadway of my mother’s terminal illness and death, judging by the behaviour of the staff there in those weeks.

I made a complaint to the GPhC regarding the pharmacy that ‘mistakenly’ gave my mother a second flu jab instead of a Covid jab (and then a Covid jab). They did investigate it, and returned the conclusion that it was a one off mistake. I had mentioned the odd behaviour of the pharmacist, and they stated that it was a matter for customer services. I did not mention that the Met Police appear to have been pointing me out to shops in the Fulham area, including pharmacies. I am still torn as to whether or not I should have. At least, the Met Police’s actions would have had to be investigated. This will be the subject of an article in itself that I will write soon.