Neill Catton/Mark Adedeji CIS Security Thugs Get Aggressive Fulham Broadway

Yesterday I popped in to the Fulham Broadway shopping center to pick up an Amazon parcel in the lockers. As I walked in, as has happened during my last few visits, the CIS security guard immediately and rather theatrically looked at his watch and then glared at me. After picking up my parcel (a book on overcoming grief – my mother died two weeks ago), the guard, along with a colleague became very aggressive as I walked calmly past them. I feared I was going to be assaulted by them, so I calmly turned around to gauge the danger they presented. Both were glaring aggressively at me. One then appeared to point towards the car park entrance where I had just collected my book. You can see this in the photo below. I have no idea what the hell their point was? That it’s suspicious to their Sherlock Holmes minds that I’m collecting a book from an Amazon locker? That this retroactively justifies being tortured through industrial scale gaslighting in 13 different countries for the last 15 years?

Neill Catton and Mark Adedeji CIS Security thugs get aggressive at Fulham Broadway Center

I was obviously frightened and unnerved by this. I determined not to be cowed by the thugs, so went in to the Starbucks, where it appears those CIS guards (or the police) have pointed me out to staff and where consequently I get regularly abused by them. I sat by the window. After a few minutes, two Hammersmith & Fulham police officers appeared. They stepped on to the escalator, and despite nobody being behind them, they literally stood on the step right behind two young girls who could have been no more than 15 or 16. Both police officers looked at me, appeared to recognize me, then looked at the girl’s bottoms and theatrically laughed. One of them – a grey bearded shorter male – shook his head as he did so, looking back at me. Unfortunately, I did not take a photo, but I took one of their backs as they were leaving (after getting takeaways from Nandos).

police Fulham Broadway center

This is the same escalator where I saw a CIS security guard theatrically peer up a young woman’s skirt, incited by Hammersmith & Fulham police – perhaps those very two officers.