Wayne Couzens Was A Typical Met Police Officer

I’ve been feeling very rough of late since I came back from London. Psychologically it’s as if I took a beating with baseball bats, and that the broken bones and bruises are struggling to heal. In the next week or two I will begin counselling in the city where I reside, as well as have face to face legal advice. In the 13 years of this illegal and sadistic torture, it will be the first time I’ve ever spoken to another person about it (other than the occasional store manager who nods their heads patronizingly while looking at me as though I’m a nutter).

So there is reason for me to attempt to stay positive and retain hope. Apart from the trauma of my London visit, and the frankly ‘doubling down’ on the torture by the psychopaths of the Met Police, the British headlines I’ve been reading have been full of the tragic case of the young woman murdered by a serving Met Police officer. At the end of the trial concluded last week, with the defendant Wayne Couzens convicted of Sarah Everard’s rape and murder and sentenced to life behind bars, a number of shocking things came to light.

  • He was in uniform, and used his Covid powers of arrest, to handcuff the young woman, order her into the back of his car, and then drove her 80 miles to rape and murder her.
  • He had been involved in sex offences such as flashing several times in his past, as recently as just 3 days before he murdered the woman, but wasn’t investigated and passed vetting for the Met.
  • His Met Police colleagues thought he was a normal police officer and noticed nothing unusual about him (although his colleagues in the Civil Nuclear Constabulary termed him ‘the rapist’).
  • He and a number of Met Police colleagues shared sickening and obscene jokes and comments about women, including about rape, in a WhatsApp group.
  • A number of Met Police officers, including an officer linked to the Everard case, shared a sick meme in another WhatsApp group, that made a joke of Met Police officers kidnapping, raping, and murdering young women in the manner that Couzens had just done.

There has been an avalanche of calls for the evil little creature Cressida Dick to resign, but of course, she wont, and has too much dirt on Boris for him to sack her.

Sarah Everard Wayne Couzens sick meme WhatsApp

The sick meme shared by Met Police officers after Sarah Everard’s murder.

So for the last 13 years the Met Police have been pointing me out to thousands of security guards and non-security staff such as cashiers in shops, restaurants, pubs etc, and asking their colleagues in 13 different countries to do the same, in the knowledge that I have suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. They have gone out of their way to ensure that I do not know whether this is really happening or not, or just a paranoid delusion. These thousands of security guards and members of the public are incited to mock me for ‘not liking to be looked at’.

I don’t know exactly why they are doing this, as stated above, they have never admitted they are doing this, and in fact denied it. But it appears to be linked to my behaviour when I was out of my mind with a mental illness 13 years ago, during a mental health relapse that they were to a large part responsible for, likely deliberately. If I did break the law at that time, I would imagine that I would not have legal ‘Mens Rea’ in a court of law.

At the same time, they employ an obvious psychopath linked to several flashing incidents, who was known to enjoy brutal pornography and was nicknamed ‘the rapist’ by his previous police colleagues. Despite the fact that he goes on to use his police uniform and arrest warrant card to kidnap, rape, and murder a young woman, the head of the Met Police refuses (again) to resign, despite it being just the latest in a number of shocking scandals that she has been involved in.

Don’t think for a moment that – in the words of the evil creature Dick – that Wayne Couzens was simply a ‘bad un’. He was just an average Met Police officer. You could say he was the archetypal 21st century Met officer. What kind of inhuman creatures gaslight a paranoid schizophrenic in 15 different countries for 13 years, with no intention on their part of ever stopping, and laugh about it in front of the victim almost every time they pass him in their pig wagons? What kind of psychopathic subhumans not only involve literally thousands of members of the public in this – the extra-judicial torture of a mentally disabled individual – but encourage those members of the public to sadistically make the victim say thank you to them for it?