Ricky Gardezi’s TSS Total Security Services Work Waitrose Too

In the near 15 years of gaslighting illegal psychological torture by the police in the UK, and through their instructions, thousands of security guards across the UK and Europe, Ricky Gardezi’s TSS Total Security Services security guards have been among the very worst and most sadistic. Today I learnt that they also supply the security guards for Waitrose. The security guards in Waitrose, at multiple branches in London and elsewhere, have also behaved in the same way to me as hundreds or thousands of security guards in countless shops and shopping centers in the UK and Europe – theatrically demonstrating they recognize me, theatrically craning their necks to look past me whilst standing watching me as I check out, clenching their fists at me, pointing me out to cashiers and other non-security staff etc. On one visit to the Fulham Waitrose last summer, the security guard there laughed as I walked past him on the way out and said – ‘you’re welcome’ at me.

Today I sent the following request to Waitrose customer care, via their online form :

Hi, I believe I have been the victim of serious crime by the security company that supplies your security guards at your Fulham branch. Can you please tell me the name of the security firm that you employ there? If you refuse to do so, I will submit a formal Freedom Of Information request. Cheers.

I received the following reply within a few hours :

Good Evening

The company is Total Security Services that we use, but is there anything that I can help with?

Kind regards

I have sent the following reply :


for nearly 15 years the metropolitan police have been pointing me out to hundreds of security guards not only in the UK, but wherever I travel in Europe. They have done this in the knowledge that I suffered from paranoid schizophrenia when I was a young man. It has never been admitted to me that this is happening (that I have been pointed out to security guards), and in fact it has been denied multiple times. The security company Total Security Services has been the very worst for the behavior of their security guards, primarily in Boots pharmacy (multiple branches across the UK). Now I learn that they also provide the security guards for Waitrose. As regards their security guards in your Fulham branch, I only visit the UK a few weeks a year to visit my elderly mother in Fulham. I very occasionally shop in your branch there. Just as in hundreds of other shops across the UK and Europe, the security guards at your store make a very determined point of demonstrating that they recognize me, and clearly at the encouragement of the Met police, taunt me by theatrically indicating that they are ‘not looking at me’. On one visit last summer to your store, the black male security guard made a point of laughing as I approached the exit and said clearly ‘you’re welcome’ to me.

I had similar behavior from your security guards in your Clapham Junction (St John’s Hill) branch for a number of years when I lived in that area. I made several complaints to customer care, and it was never admitted that I had been pointed out to security there, although subsequently I was almost physically assaulted by one of the security guards, presumably as a result of my complaint.

This deliberate gaslighting on the part of the Met police, is very much illegal in the UK (and elsewhere), in the case of the UK under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988, which explicitly prohibits psychological torture committed by a public official such as a police officer – an offence which carries a lifetime custodial prison sentence.

I have now substantial video and audio evidence stretching over a decade, that what I have described above, has and is continuing to happen to me. I intend to write a letter to Greg Hands, the Member of Parliament for Chelsea and Fulham, in the coming weeks.

I have absolutely no expectation that you can help me with anything. I am, however, confident that a number of senior Met officers will eventually go to prison for what they have and are continuing to do to me, and I would suggest that given that your company has played a role in my torture by the Met police for over a decade, you do at this point seek to limit your legal liabilities (i.e. over 10 years after my first complaint to Waitrose customer care, you do now stop allowing the Met police to torture a mentally disabled member of the public via your TSS security guards in multiple of your branches and in particular at your Fulham branch).