Andreas Holzer Austrian Police

I recently spent a week in Salzburg and Innsbruck. In both places I appear to have been pointed out to security guards at the train station, as well as at shopping centers.

In Salzburg, in one shopping center next to the train station, two security guards openly laughed at me and said something as they passed. Upon walking into a shopping center in Innsbruck for the first time, the security guard immediately laughed while looking at me, as though he had been expecting me.

In Innsbruck, I was sitting in the main square on my first day, and a male and female police officer were standing viewing me suspiciously. A migrant male walked past me and glared at me, so I glared at him back. The male police officer reacted as though I’d just punched the migrant. A couple of minutes later, they walked past me to their police car, and the female pig looked back at me suspiciously and said something to her colleague.

I was annoyed because I have promised myself that from now on, in such situations, I will challenge the police officers as to why they are acting in such a way, apparently ‘recognizing me’. However, I was unable to do so on this trip, or in the following week I spent in Germany.

At Innsbruck train station the next day, two police officers saw me and one of them looked at me wide-eyed. I did intend to challenge him calmly as to whether there was a problem, but both immediately walked away when I approached them.

Obviously, this was distressing as I had visited such a beautiful place in order to relax and find some solace. But, in 16 years of this sadistic torture of myself, a paranoid schizophrenic, the bestial psychopaths have not allowed me any kind of rest, or escape.

On previous visits to Austria, the police have been amongst the most sadistic I’ve encountred, along with the security guards they point me out to.

According to ChatGPT, the police chief of Austria is a man named Andreas Holzer.

According to ChatGPT, psychological torture is illegal in Austria.

Psychological torture is indeed illegal in Austria. This prohibition is covered under Austria’s implementation of the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT), which Austria has ratified. The European Convention on Human Rights, which has constitutional status in Austria, also enshrines the prohibition of torture, including psychological torture, providing it the highest level of legal protection in the country​ (Wikipedia)​​ (OHCHR)​.

Specifically, the Austrian Criminal Code explicitly prohibits torture by public officials. This includes any act causing severe physical or mental suffering​ (OHCHR)​. The severity of the crime increases if committed by a public official, such as a member of the police, due to their position of authority and trust​ (Wikipedia)​.

In practice, Austria has established various measures to prevent torture, including oversight mechanisms and training for law enforcement officers on human rights and the prohibition of torture​ (OHCHR)​.

In addition, Andreas Holzer could face extradition to the UK and other European countries to face an automatic life prison sentence.

According to ChatGPT, the head of Europol, which presumably has had and continues to have a leading role in my torture over the last 16 years, is a woman named Catherine De Bolle.

Europol is the law enforcement agency of the European Union.

Torture is prohibited by both the European Convention on Human Rights, and the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.

The right in Article 4 is the right guaranteed by Article 3 of the ECHR, which has the same wording: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”. By virtue of Article 52(3) of the Charter, it therefore has the same meaning and the same scope as the ECHR Article.

**Update – Shortly after this post, the shocking news was revealed that teenage Islamists in Austria were close to committing what might have been the worst terrorist atrocity in modern European history, targetting hundreds of fans at a Taylor Swift concert. It was only stopped in the advanced stages, and apparently only because the FBI discovered intelligence of the plot, and alerted their Austrian colleagues.

These utter psychopathic, criminal, incompetent, and twisted police can keep a paranoid schizophrenic under such close observation for sixteen years, devote resources to inform security guards of my weekend visit in their cities, yet regularly reveal themselves to be unable to keep track of Islamists plotting mass slaughter.