Author Archives: Truman_Show

Reply From Mark Adedeji Fulham Broadway Center Management

Deutsche International Custodial Services security guard Fulham Broadway

Deutsche International Custodial Limited Fulham Broadway Wilkos security guard who was agressive after I made my original complaint to Mark Adedeji

I recently asked the General Pharmaceutical Council if I could make a complaint to them anonymously, over my harassment and gaslighting by the TSS security guards in Boots at the Fulham Broadway Center. I had been left too intimidated to collect cancer medication prescriptions for my dying mother. After making a complaint two years ago to the store and to Mark Adedji, his CIS security guards physically threatened me. They threatened me again last month.

In my query to the GPC, I made clear that I wished to make the complaint anonymously, as I had justified reason to believe I could be put in physical danger from Mark Adedeji’s security guards, or by TSS security guards (TSS Security is run by Ricky Gardezi). I also made clear that I could not go to the police, as the police were obviously pointing me out to these security firms with incitement to harass and gaslight me. I forwarded this query on to Mark Adedeji, Ricky Gardezi, Boots Customer Care, and Neill Catton (the head of CIS security).

I recieved no reply from Ricky Gardezi, Boots, or Neill Catton. Mark Adedeji replied back within an hour as follows :

Good morning,

You have correctly addressed your complaint to the Pharmacy regulation board and Boots Customer care.

They are the right people to contact and will look into your complaint.

I can also advise that you contact the police, if you have any further complaints.

Kind regards

Centre Management.

I replied back today thus :

I really do believe you need to stop gaslighting me this late in the day Sir. As I made clear in the email, the Met police are obviously pointing me out to your security guards, with incitement to mock me for ‘not liking to be looked at’, just as they have in dozens of other shopping centers from Spain to the Ukraine over the last 15 years. They have done this not just in the knowledge that I have a prior diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, but because of that in order to cause me extreme psychological distress, aware it’s unlikely I will be able to survive it. That’s not just torture under English Civil Law (and in the case of the police, a clear lifeterm tarrif offence under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988), that’s attempted murder or conspiracy to murder.

Mr Adedeji, I think it’s in your legal interests to stop allowing your CIS security guards in both Hammersmith and Fulham to mock me for ‘not liking to be looked at’, a well as intimidating or threatening me, as several continue to do, and pointing me out to other staff in the shopping center such as Starbucks barristas. I believe the simplest way for you to do that is to actually stop pointing me out to your security guards, and instead focus on individuals who actually pose a risk to the public. I believe if you do this, there is still a slim chance you could yet avoid going to prison for torture under English Civil Law, if not attempted murder or conspiracy to murder.


Note that the infamous CIS security guard ‘Henry’ is still employed by Mark Adedeji, and I witnessed him make a theatrical point of staring in to the Starbucks window at a young girl who could have been no more than 14. Furthermore, two weeks after submitting my reply to Mark Adedeji, a new security guard who I had never seen before, clearly recognized me, so Mr Adedeji is still pointing me out, or allowing me to be pointed out, to his security guards.

Query To GPC Rabia Bennett, FWD Ricky Gardezi, Neill Catton, Fulham Broadway Center, Boots Customer Care

Dear Sir/Madam,

Can you please tell me if it is possible to make a complaint to the GPC anonymously?

I have a very serious complaint to make against the Boots Pharmacy in the Fulham Broadway shopping center. Like dozens of other Boots stores across England over the last 15 years, it appears that I have been pointed out to not only the TSS security guards, but also to staff members. Both security and staff regularly mock me for ‘not liking to be looked at’.

In regard to the branch in the Fulham Broadway, my complaint is on another level of gravitas, as in 2020 it was necessary for me to use that store to collect prescriptions for my elderly mother who was dying of cancer. The behaviour of the staff, including the TSS security guard who would follow me around the store, with his arms folded and glaring at me, very much intimidated me and made collecting those prescriptions difficult, as you can imagine.

Boots customer care do not reply to my complaints, and in fact after my first complaint to the store, that was forwarded on to both Ricky Gardezi the CEO of TSS security, and the Broadway management, both the TSS security guards and the CIS security guards who patrol the Broadway Center became even more aggressive towards me, leaving myself in fear of my physical safety .

I would therefore like to refer a complaint to the GPC against Rabia Bennett who is the manager of the store in question, but I believe I have legitimate reason to fear it would put my safety or even my life at risk from Ricky Gardezi’s TSS security guards and Mr Neil Catton’s CIS security guards or individuals associated with them.

Unfortunately, I cannot go to the police, as the responsibility for the likely criminal behaviour of these guards is evidently that of the Met/Hammersmith & Fulham police themselves.

Yours sincerely.

Neill Catton/Mark Adedeji CIS Security Thugs Get Aggressive Fulham Broadway

Yesterday I popped in to the Fulham Broadway shopping center to pick up an Amazon parcel in the lockers. As I walked in, as has happened during my last few visits, the CIS security guard immediately and rather theatrically looked at his watch and then glared at me. After picking up my parcel (a book on overcoming grief – my mother died two weeks ago), the guard, along with a colleague became very aggressive as I walked calmly past them. I feared I was going to be assaulted by them, so I calmly turned around to gauge the danger they presented. Both were glaring aggressively at me. One then appeared to point towards the car park entrance where I had just collected my book. You can see this in the photo below. I have no idea what the hell their point was? That it’s suspicious to their Sherlock Holmes minds that I’m collecting a book from an Amazon locker? That this retroactively justifies being tortured through industrial scale gaslighting in 13 different countries for the last 15 years?

Neill Catton and Mark Adedeji CIS Security thugs get aggressive at Fulham Broadway Center

I was obviously frightened and unnerved by this. I determined not to be cowed by the thugs, so went in to the Starbucks, where it appears those CIS guards (or the police) have pointed me out to staff and where consequently I get regularly abused by them. I sat by the window. After a few minutes, two Hammersmith & Fulham police officers appeared. They stepped on to the escalator, and despite nobody being behind them, they literally stood on the step right behind two young girls who could have been no more than 15 or 16. Both police officers looked at me, appeared to recognize me, then looked at the girl’s bottoms and theatrically laughed. One of them – a grey bearded shorter male – shook his head as he did so, looking back at me. Unfortunately, I did not take a photo, but I took one of their backs as they were leaving (after getting takeaways from Nandos).

police Fulham Broadway center

This is the same escalator where I saw a CIS security guard theatrically peer up a young woman’s skirt, incited by Hammersmith & Fulham police – perhaps those very two officers.

Fulham Broadway Shopping Center Starbucks Neil Catton CIS Security Guard

Neil Catton Mark Adedeji CIS security guard Fulham Broadway

The Neil Catton Mark Adedeji CIS security guard.

During a recent return to London, I risked having a quick cup of tea in the Starbucks in the Fulham Broadway shopping center. On this occasion, a Mark Adedji CIS security guard did not position himself opposite to ‘not watch me’ while theatrically looking up at the ceiling and then pointing me out as a ‘nutter’ to a member of the public. Not quite, anyway. Nor did a Neil Catton CIS security guard follow me in to the public toilets after the Starbucks toilet was closed (actually, on this occasion the toilets in the center were closed). No, this time a Neil Catton security guard (photographed above the next day) stood outside the entrance with his back turned to me. A few moments later, a woman approached him, briefly exchanged words and came in to the Starbucks (while I was sitting down drinking) and stood in the queue. She held a smartphone in her hand, and not very subtly, she kept pointing it at me, whilst smirking. At one point, she even had her arms bent at a very awkward angle with the smartphone facing me. After being served her coffee, she went outside and spoke to the security guard, then both went on their seperate ways.

I wonder what he plans to use with his photo of me? Hopefully something that doesn’t involve the triggering of a court case that will result in his bosses Mark Adedji and Neil Catton, going to prison for the illegal torture they have inflicted upon me, not to mention of course, likely dozens of senior police officers. Perhaps he is ‘showing me how it feels’?? Well I’d like to induce in him the devastating mental illness of paranoid schizophrenia, then have security guards and staff in shopping centers, shops, restaurants, and cafes in 13 different countries for the rest of his life gaslight him so that he doesn’t know whether he is insane or not. No actually, even though that would be ‘showing him what it feels like’ for me, and what I’ve had to endure for nearly 2 decades, I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy, because unlike them, I’m not a sadistic psychopathic animal.

BTW, as in hundreds of other cafes, restaurants etc in London, the UK, and Europe, it appears that I have been pointed out by security guards/the police to the staff in that Starbucks, as the staff there often serve me very strangely and in the same way as countless others, for example saying ‘you’re welcome’ extremely sarcastically 10 seconds after serving me and then laughing.

*** UPDATE for the last month (mid Feb to mid March) I returned to London on account of my dying elderly mother. Incredibly, it did appear to me that the Met Police and Mark Adedji actually intruded on my private grief, by informing the security guards at Fulham Broadway of this. Even worse, I saw the transgender security guard who stands at the entrence of Wilkos in the Fulham Broadway appear to be talking to a woman about me as I sat in Starbucks, with the woman looking over at me in apparent sympathy.

As regards the CIS security guard in the above photo, on one of the days I used the broadway on this trip, he and a colleague stood at the bottom of the escalators, alternatively glaring very agressively at me, and looking up the escalators. I will publish a longer post about my recent experiences in London, but for the moment I am still processing and grieving the death of my mother.

Five Weeks In London

I returned to London for Christmas, to spend it with my elderly mother. A few weeks before, she visited a pharmacy in Fulham to have her Covid booster jab, shortly after receieving her winter flu jab. Despite telling the pharmacist why she was there (to have the Covid booster jab) she was given a second flu jab (in 6 hours). She contracted a viral infection shortly after which did not respond to antibiotics, and shortly after that contracted shingles. She is currently in hospital for this. I do not know if she will make it.

I had to go to Superdrug to collect prescriptions for her. We switched from Boots after the security guard there would follow me around the store, arms folded, at the request of Ricky Gardezi’s TSS security company and the Mark Adedeji’s security guards who work the Fulham Broadway Shopping Center. That had left me too intimidated to use Boots as a prescription dispenser. I had never visited Superdrug for perhaps a decade, but on my first visit there, I got the usual strange behaviour from the pharamcy staff, namely looks of apparent recognition, the very sarcastic and deliberate ‘you’re welcome’ after politely thanking them for serving me, and even on my last visit, the female Asian pharmacist gave the sarcastic ‘you’re welcome’ to the person served in front of me in the queue, while very theatrically saying ‘thank you so much’ when handing me the prescription’. A few minutes before, when they saw me approach the queue, she appeared to say something to her male colleague, to which he laughed and mentioned my mother’s name.

Ibis Hotel Earls Court And Situation In London

I’ve been back in London for 7 days. I don’t want to dwell on what has been happening thus far, I want to obtain some small enjoyment from spending Christmas with my elderly cancer survivor mother.

It does appear the subhuman sadistic perverted Met Police pigs have indeed pointed me out to the security guards at the Ibis hotel Earls Court I am staying at. This is obvious not because they are standing watching me enter the lift etc, but that in complete contrast to my last visit, they are not doing those things, and appear very much trying to avoid ‘watching me’. Given that I made no complaint about the security guar’ds behaviour last time, other than describing it on this blog (without naming the hotel), there can be no other explanation that the subhuman pigs must have and are continuing to point me out to them.

What Should I Do Now?

As said, I want to ‘enjoy’ Christmas as best I can. In the New Year I will :

Finally send the letter to Greg Hands. The bent subhuman psychopathic pigs clearly see the fact that I have been ‘threatening’ to for over a year, and still haven’t, as a sign of weakness.

Secondly, contact the Law Society and ask if there is one individual in the country who might have concerns about the Metropolitan police extra-judiciously torturing a mentally disabled member of the public for 13 years, a crime under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988 that carries a life sentence, involving hundreds or thousands of members of the public directly in this, involving thousands of police, security guards, and members of the public in 12 other countries in this?

First Day Back In London

I flew back to London for Christmas, which always may be my last spent with my very elderly cancer survivor mother. After disembarking from the plane, I made my way to baggage collection. As I waited by the conveyer belt, I looked to my side and saw three customs officers standing at the door watching me and grinning. I ignored them, then glanced back a couple of minutes later as I continued to wait for my luggage. They were still staring at me and grinning. One was a tall bespectacled middle-aged man with little hair left on his head. After I collected my trolly and walked past them through the ‘Nothing To Declare’ exit, he nudged his colleague and whispered something to him while continuing to look back at me smirking.

Seven Days In London

I recently spent another 7 days in London. It does seem as though it may have finally gotten through to the psychopaths that something has to change. For the most part, security guards were clearly very much under instructions to stop sadistically tormenting me. Having said that, I avoided several real ‘hot spots’ such as Waitrose in Fulham Road, Boots in the Fulham Broadway Center, and also the Hammersmith Broadway.

Security Guard Sainsburys Clapham Junction, Manager Matthew Hazeltine

One example was the regular security guard at the Sainsburys store at the Clapham Junction railway station enterance (the manager of which is currently Matthew Hazeltine). On two previous visits to the station in the last year or two, I’ve sat in the Cafe Nero coffee shop opposite and observed how the guard immediately recognizes me (despite not having shopped in that store for 5 years), and theatrically (over and over again) does the craning of his neck to look past me (while I’m sitting in the shop) or just looks at me (over and over again) then makes a highly theatrical ‘I’m not looking at you’ routine when I make any eye contact with him. Worse though, on my previous visit, he was also making a point of theatrically checking out the butts of several schoolgirls as they walked past or entered the store. Again, it’s important to realize that this behaviour, as well as the peering up the skirt of a young woman by a security guard at Fulham Broadway, or a G4S security guard at Churchill Square shopping center in Brighton scaring several young girls by staring at them intensely while repeatedly looking at his watch (still to write that post, coming soon) is at the incitement of the Met Police. Around 5 or 6 years ago, at that particular Sainsburys store in Clapham Junction, I witnessed a (different) security guard do something even more disturbing, but I’ll bite my tongue for now.

Anyway, on this occasion, the black male security guard was very clearly making a point of ignoring me completely as I again sat in the Cafe Nero opposite. This would likely have to be the result of a request from the police, as I have not made any complaints to Sainsburys recently (they told me they would no longer reply to my complaints 5 years ago).

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back?

There were also two very troubling things, including one that occured on that same day at Clapham Junction. As I entered the station, the London Transport staff member at the ticket barrier seemed to have been told in advance of my arrival and appeared to take a photograph of me with his smartphone. When I had gotten off the train, two pigs were walking up and down the platform. Later, when I was sitting in Pret A Manger in the High Street, they walked past twice.

The other disturbing thing was that I was left considering the possibility that the security staff in the hotel I was staying at were recognizing me. One seemed to be very aggressive, and two others made a point of moving to stand watching me (while smirking) as I waited for the lift inside the lobby. During my stay there, I had certainly done nothing to warrant any such attention. The thought that the bent psychopaths may now be informing security guards or staff at hotels I stay in is deeply disturbing, as I had never encountered that before, and it would mean that I would not be able to visit my elderly mother as much. If this is the case, then it will just serve to bring forward the date when some of these psychopathic Met Police creatures go to prison for life.

I did also visit Marks & Spencer in High Street Kensington. Upon leaving the store, a black female cashier very visibly made a look of recognition. It was more than that though – as if she was expecting me to say hello. Perhaps the store manager James Weston has decided to try to cover his legal liabilities by using the defence that he thought ‘I knew’ that I was being pointed out to his staff?

SWSmiles Dentists Battersea 2008

The torture had just began. Very likely due to entrapment and the deliberate exertion of intolerable pressure on my mental health, I suffered a rapid descent into madness during the last months of 2008. I began to mumble ‘threats’ in a small number of restaurants and shops. Although that period is like a vague fog to me now (and then), I certainly can recall that I had no intention whatsoever of carrying out those ridiculous threats, which are of the like which, unfortunately, people with schizophrenia in London when very ill, do mutter under their breath, like I did, dozens of times a day. I highly regret the alarm and distress it apparently did cause some of the staff in these restaurants and shops, although it seems strange that I was even noticed, if I hadn’t already been pointed out in some way. In any case, I can’t turn the clock back, and to psychologically torture a mentally ill person for 13 years in 13 different countries is not an appropriate ‘punishment’, especially if the police’s behaviour, deliberately or not, led to it.

At one point, I mumbled in one of these shops, and the police were called. I remmeber them standing there, looking at me. They did not say anything directly to me, and did not arrest me. But they were clearly there, on account of me.

It worked. I have no quarrel with that. It snapped me back into some kind of reality and the consciousness of the upset I was causing. If that had been the end of it, then an outstanding job by the police. But it wasn’t the end of it, it was the start of it, as it must surely have been intended to be (and the events which led up to it, which I will detail more in a future post). For the next 13 years I’ve been pointed out to not only the police, but thousands of security guards, as well as cashiers and other non-security staff in shops, restuarants, museums etc., across London, across England, across Europe, with incitement or instructions to mock, abuse, harass me, in the very same fashion as caused me to become ill in the first place.

I decided to avoid shopping or eating out for a long time. I understood I had caused upset and alarm, and wanted to avoid doing so again. A couple of days later, needing to eat or face starvation, I ordered my first home grocery delivery, from Tesco. When it arrived, the Tesco delivery man almost burst through my door. The first thing he said, his face contorted in rage, was “oh it looks like somebody’s going to get HOT today’, almost shouting the word HOT. His clenched his fists several times while his face retained a look alternatively of disgust and fury. I honestly thought he was going to assault me. I decided it would be better to visit a supermarket where I was ‘unknown’, so I tried several stores in Fulham and Hammersmith that I had never been in before. In each store, it was clearly obvious that the police had shown a photograph of me to the staff, with the staff either looking and acting petrified, or outright laughing at me or behaving aggressively towards me.

An Appointment At SWSmiles Dentists Battersea

I had an appointment at SWSmiles dentist in Queens Town Road Battersea several days later. I was nervous about it after the realization that the police had apparently pointed me out to every store in West London. But I had a very sore tooth which needed treatment. The couple who run that dentistry are still there now – Dr. Raj Rajah and his wife Dr. Anjali Rajah. According to the blurb on their site, Dr Anjali Rajah ‘has a special interest in treating nervous patients’.

I soon had first hand experience of that.

When I entered her office, it seemed obvious to me from her manner that I had been pointed out to her. Of course, whenever I use the term ‘obvious’ or ‘clear’, it has to be borne in mind that I have been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in the past, and so I am forced to doubt whether anything is ‘obvious’ or ‘clear’. This, as the Met Police know full well, is the sadistic beauty of their illegal torture.

Her manner was very cold, almost cruel. For a practicing dentist, who has apparently appeared on national TV, and who has a ‘special interest’ in ‘treating nervous patients’, she did not exactly go out of her way to put me at ease. She removed one of my teeth. It was the most painful dentistry I’ve ever experienced in my life. At one point, with my mouth open, in pain, and at her mercy, she said to me, and very sadistically (and I remember this very clearly) – “I’m very concerned with the amount of blood loss”.

I required two follow up appointments. The first was with her husband Dr Raj. He seemed very nervous and agitated talking to me, almost shameful. At one point he actually said somethng like – ‘if you feel that, then it is your reality’. I had said nothing about any concerns with my treatment.

The next appointment a couple of weeks later was due again to be with the husband, but I was told that he had been involved in a very nasty motorcycle accident and I saw somebody else. Thankfully, he obviously recovered from that accident as he and his wife still run the dentistry.

A Bodged Operation To Remove A Simple Skin Cyst

I have no idea whether the removal of my tooth itself was peformed professionally, but I certainly believe that the dentist at SWSmiles had been incited by the police, just as the Tesco delivery man had days earlier, to cause me psychological distress, and that when this does finally come to court, that this will play a key part in proving that the police have deliberately sought (from the start 13 years ago) to cause me extreme psychological distress and pain, something that is illegal under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988 for a police officer, and which carries a life term tariff prison sentence.

Not long after, I required the removal of a benign but unsightly skin cyst on my shoulder. I had this done at my local NHS surgery. Again, it appeared that the police pointed me out at this time even to my doctor, other doctors at the surgery, and the reception staff. The behaviour of the reception staff towards me delayed my mental health recovery as I was often too intimidated to even visit that surgery. They also (and still do) pointed me out to staff at pharmacies.

The simple operation was performed not by my regular GP, but by another doctor, a female. She seemed very nevous during it. At the end, she showed me the lump she had removed. To this day I suffer from a huge lumpy scar that looks even more unsightly than the cyst ever did.

Recently, I had another skin cyst removed of a very similar size, this one lower down on my back. I went to a private cosmetic surgeon in another country, who I have no reason to believe I was pointed out to. The scar left by the operation is almost invisible, despite the cyst being the same size.

Draft Request For Help To The Law Society

I will send this probably tomorrow. Of course, nothing will come of it. If they do reply, it will be to advise me to make a complaint to the IOPC, or maybe just suggest I talk to my doctor… meanwhile, an emboldened Met Police will ‘punish’ me for my temerity in seeking legal advice after 15 years of illegal torture that is literally killing me, by pointing me out in hundreds more shops, perhaps incite Easy Jet cabin crew to spit on me on my next flight to London etc, etc.

Dear Sir/Madam, I am contacting you in the hope that I may find some help after 15 years of fruitless appeals to anti-torture organizations, as well as legal firms that specialize in human rights abuses and cases of malpractice against the police. For the last 15 years, the Met police together with their colleagues in multiple other regions of the UK, and 13 other countries in Europe, appear to have been pointing me out to not only police officers, and not only hundreds of security guards in shopping centers and the like, but also on many occasions cashiers, barristas, museum staff etc. The issue in itself is not whether they have the legal right or justification to keep me ‘under surveillance’ on such a scale, but the fact they have done so knowing that I previously suffered from paranoid schizophrenia.

But more than that, they have deliberately tried to ensure I do not know if it is or is not actually happening in the understanding and intent that this will cause me extreme psychological distress on account of my illness, while I will find it near impossible to get help or be believed (which is exactly what has happened over the last 15 years). Further, they have not simply advised security guards and members of the public to ‘keep an eye on me’. They have clearly advised them to mock, abuse, intimidate, and on many occasions, threaten me in response to the allegations and complaints that I have made.

I have contacted two law firms that specialize in claims against the police, alledging that this constitutes torture on the part of the Met Police and the other police forces concerned. Both of the law firms that I contacted – GT Stewart, and Hodge Jones & Allen LLP – replied back stating that they ‘did not have the resources’ to help me. Both also suggested that I contact you.

I have video and audio evidence that what I have described above is true. I have subjected my beliefs to rigorous CBT reality testing techniques that I was taught when I was ill 25 years ago. I have been very stable since a relapse 15 years ago (which appears to have been the ‘justification’ for what the police have done since), and am very much financially independent, able to work and function on a daily basis that would be near impossible if I was still ill and suffering from delusions or hallucinations. That is not to say, that what I have endured over the last 15 years has not had a devastating effect upon my physical and mental health.

As you are likely aware, under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988 provisions relating to the implementation of the ratification of the 1984 UN Convention Against Torture, it is an offence carrying a life sentence for a public official such as a police officer to intentionally cause severe psychological pain to an individual.

In the light of recent scandals regarding the rotten culture of the Met Police and the resignation of Cressida Dick, would there be one organization or one individual in the UK in the year 2022 that I could contact, that would find what I have described above of at least some small concern – that the culture of the Met police and the leadership of Cressida Dick was even more depraved and criminal than the recent shocking scandals have pointed to, and that Dick herself, as well as her two predecessors Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe and Sir Paul Stephenson, and serving senior police officers such as Chief Superintendent Owain Richards, may be liable to life term custodial sentences – and therefore be willing to help me in some way? If the only help you can provide is advice from a lawyer as to whether or not what I have described above would in fact be illegal on the part of the Met Police, that itself would give me some strength to survive this.

*UPDATE – I have still not yet sent the request for help to the Law Society. On a Ryanair flight from Stanstead this summer, I was indeed verbally abused by cabin crew.