As I related here, in January last year, just before the Covid lockdowns began, I paid my one and likely only ever visit to the city of Southend. I spent I think 4 days there. It was ‘clear’ that I had been pointed out in the two shopping centers, as well as the large Sainsburys store in London Road, which I visited twice in order to grab some snacks for the hotel. On both occasions, the security guards made it ‘clear’ that they recognized me, as well as giving me the sadistic ‘why don’t you like us looking at you?’ act. Even more disturbing though, it appears the line manager at the (self-service) check out tills appeared to have been told to watch me. Thinking back to the way she almost exaggeratedly made clear her disgust of me, it was very similar to my recent experiences in Waitrose Fulham and Marks and Spencer in High Street Kensington.
Again comparing my recent experiences to Southend, not long before that Southend visit, I had recorded a TSS Security Guard in Boots in Hastings pointing me out to a member of staff and clearly laughing at me behind my back. Within a couple of weeks after uploading it to YouTube, it had been taken down as a result of a ‘privacy complaint’ before it had even had more than 100 views. Presumably the complaint was made by the police. The police that have been pointing me out to thousands of security guards and even cashiers and line managers and restaurant staff, with instructions to insult, abuse, threaten, mock, and intimidate me, and all the time going out of their way to ensure I don’t know whether it’s real or inside of my head. They have done this, and continue to do this, presumably for the rest of my life, knowing that my life had already been devasted by the mental illness of paranoid schizophrenia.
Under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988, a public official such as a police officer who commits the offence of psychological torture, is liable to a life term custodial prison sentence.
Now lets get this straight. The Met police, and Essex police, couldn’t or wouldn’t keep track of a known Somali jihadist travelling from London to Southend (as I did) after booking a face to face meeting with the Southend Member of Parliament David Amess.
But apparently, they are watching me so closely, a paranoid schizophrenic, that they are informing shop staff of my arrival at Sainsburys in Southend, and the shopping centers.
I don’t know exactly why they are doing this. And of course, they know that as somebody with a paranoid schizophrenia diagnosis (in my early 20’s), wont know for certain that they ARE doing this, and certainly wont be believed by anybody else. But it would appear to date from a mental health breakdown, which they were responsible for, that I suffered 15 years ago which I would not have Mens Rea for in a court of law. More recently, in these instances of ‘doubling down’ on the torture, it would appear to be ‘justified’ by the fact that I’ve used my phone to record them doing this.
The manager (as of October 2021) of that Southend London Road Sainsburys store is a man named Tony Burke.
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Southend and Essex is PFCC Roger Hirst.
The Connection Between Police ‘Wokeness’ And Their Capacity For Psychopathic Sadism And Use Of Illegal Torture
This blog is not about anti-wokeness or any other political position. It’s about me preserving my sanity, as well as keeping a record of what the police are doing to me so that one day some of the sadistic, evil, criminal psychopaths can be sentenced to life imprisonment for it. However, I can’t help ruminating a little on the obvious connection between the increasing ‘wokeness’ of the Met Police and other police forces in the UK, and their ability to commit a crime under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988 that carries a life sentence. To commit torture, to torture into suicide or insanity another human being – somebody who is mentally disabled – and apaprently not one of them, have any single moral scruple or doubt about what they are doing. To directly involve hundreds or thousands of member of the public in the extra-judicial torture of another human being, and not one of them, from the top (Cressida Dick, Owain Richards, and Helen Harper) to the bottom (the likes of Victor Finch), appear to be capable of any moral doubt whatsoever about what they are doing, and have been doing for over 13 years now.
Again, this is primarily about preserving my sanity. I need to understand how it is possible they can do this to me, and how they can have done it for 13 years.
Looking at the home page of the Essex Police and Crime Comissioner, and it’s notable how extremely, and some would say offensively, woke it is.
Naturally there is a recent virtue signalling ‘anti-hate campaign’ to proudly show off. But what stands out is the ‘tribute’ to the murdered Southend MP David Amess. From the photograph that Roger Hirst and the Essex Police have chosen, under the title ‘JOINT STATEMENT FROM FAITH LEADERS ACROSS ESSEX, SOUTHEND AND THURROCK IN RELATION TO THE DEATH OF SIR DAVID AMESS’, it would appear to show a rainbow balloon joined to two ‘Hello Kitty’ faces. This looks more like the Gay Pride week paying tribute to David Amess, rather than a police force. The only religious faith evident in that photo is the liberal ‘woke’ faith. I’m sure that the staunchly Conservative David Amess would appreciate such a touching tribute from the police who abjectly failed to prevent his murder, prefering as they do, to concentrate their limited resources on gaslighting through industrial scale continent wide surveillance for 13 years, somebody suffering from paranoid schizophrenia who mumbled under his breath in a few shops over a decade ago in a mental health episode deliberately caused by them through entrapment, rather than a known Somali Islamist.

Another example is the official Twitter account of Fulham police. It appears evidently to be run by PCSO David Miller of Hammersmith & Fulham police, although he often refers to himself in the third person, with nearly every tweet being about him and his good deed of the day, or a retweet of some gay pride or anti-hate virtue signal.

PCSO David Miller virtue signals 5 times a day on Twitter, aware that his depraved colleagues have been attempting to psychologically torture into suicide or complete insanity a mentally disabled person, for 15 years and in over a dozen countries, in the most sadistic way possible. In the UK, the offence of psychological torture by a police officer carries a life term tariff.
Now these sadistic freaks are pointing me out to shops and cafes in Fulham and Hammersmith, knowing I suffer from the devasting mental illness that is schizophrenia. They have been doing this for 15 years, knowing the same is happening to me across London, across England, across Europe, and knowing that every attempt has been made to make me feel that I am simply insane and suffering from delusions. When they pass me in their police cars or vans, they invariably make a point of theatrically laughing.
That’s not just clearly and umabigously torture under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988, that’s attempted murder.
Again, that’s attempted murder.
Sorry, I might return to this later, but that’s enough for today.
–update : The full Fulham ‘Safer Neighbourhoods’ Police team as of December 2021 is – Police Sergeant Paul Wardlaw, PC Augusto Vilaseca, PC Conrad Green, PC Lewis Marsh, PCSO David Miller, PCSO Rebecca Fazan, and Acting Sergeant Alex Kalisz.

Augusto Vilaseca Fulham police
Chief Superintendent Owain Richards faces life in prison under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988. As of December 2021 Owain Richards is in charge of South West London policing, including Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington.
The ‘Safer Neighbourhoods police team’ for Hammersmith is : PCSO Estela Cartwright, Police Sergeant James Burgess, Police Constable Ben Strudwick, Police Constable Chris Watts.
Other Hammersmith & Fulham police serving in 2022 :
Sergeant Seb Goulding
Law Enforcement officers :
Hammersmith & Fulham Law Enforcement Team officer Ian Baron
Under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988, a public official such as a police officer who commits the offence of psychological torture, is liable to a life term custodial prison sentence.