Author Archives: Truman_Show

Ricky Gardezi’s TSS Total Security Services Work Waitrose Too

In the near 15 years of gaslighting illegal psychological torture by the police in the UK, and through their instructions, thousands of security guards across the UK and Europe, Ricky Gardezi’s TSS Total Security Services security guards have been among the very worst and most sadistic. Today I learnt that they also supply the security guards for Waitrose. The security guards in Waitrose, at multiple branches in London and elsewhere, have also behaved in the same way to me as hundreds or thousands of security guards in countless shops and shopping centers in the UK and Europe – theatrically demonstrating they recognize me, theatrically craning their necks to look past me whilst standing watching me as I check out, clenching their fists at me, pointing me out to cashiers and other non-security staff etc. On one visit to the Fulham Waitrose last summer, the security guard there laughed as I walked past him on the way out and said – ‘you’re welcome’ at me.

Today I sent the following request to Waitrose customer care, via their online form :

Hi, I believe I have been the victim of serious crime by the security company that supplies your security guards at your Fulham branch. Can you please tell me the name of the security firm that you employ there? If you refuse to do so, I will submit a formal Freedom Of Information request. Cheers.

I received the following reply within a few hours :

Good Evening

The company is Total Security Services that we use, but is there anything that I can help with?

Kind regards

I have sent the following reply :


for nearly 15 years the metropolitan police have been pointing me out to hundreds of security guards not only in the UK, but wherever I travel in Europe. They have done this in the knowledge that I suffered from paranoid schizophrenia when I was a young man. It has never been admitted to me that this is happening (that I have been pointed out to security guards), and in fact it has been denied multiple times. The security company Total Security Services has been the very worst for the behavior of their security guards, primarily in Boots pharmacy (multiple branches across the UK). Now I learn that they also provide the security guards for Waitrose. As regards their security guards in your Fulham branch, I only visit the UK a few weeks a year to visit my elderly mother in Fulham. I very occasionally shop in your branch there. Just as in hundreds of other shops across the UK and Europe, the security guards at your store make a very determined point of demonstrating that they recognize me, and clearly at the encouragement of the Met police, taunt me by theatrically indicating that they are ‘not looking at me’. On one visit last summer to your store, the black male security guard made a point of laughing as I approached the exit and said clearly ‘you’re welcome’ to me.

I had similar behavior from your security guards in your Clapham Junction (St John’s Hill) branch for a number of years when I lived in that area. I made several complaints to customer care, and it was never admitted that I had been pointed out to security there, although subsequently I was almost physically assaulted by one of the security guards, presumably as a result of my complaint.

This deliberate gaslighting on the part of the Met police, is very much illegal in the UK (and elsewhere), in the case of the UK under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988, which explicitly prohibits psychological torture committed by a public official such as a police officer – an offence which carries a lifetime custodial prison sentence.

I have now substantial video and audio evidence stretching over a decade, that what I have described above, has and is continuing to happen to me. I intend to write a letter to Greg Hands, the Member of Parliament for Chelsea and Fulham, in the coming weeks.

I have absolutely no expectation that you can help me with anything. I am, however, confident that a number of senior Met officers will eventually go to prison for what they have and are continuing to do to me, and I would suggest that given that your company has played a role in my torture by the Met police for over a decade, you do at this point seek to limit your legal liabilities (i.e. over 10 years after my first complaint to Waitrose customer care, you do now stop allowing the Met police to torture a mentally disabled member of the public via your TSS security guards in multiple of your branches and in particular at your Fulham branch).

Rotten To The Core

Cressida Dick rotten to the core

Cressida Dick Rotten To The Core

No, it’s much, much worse than that. ‘Rotten to the core’ doesn’t even begin to serve as an adequate summation of what the Met Police is. At least the creature who currently runs it, as well as her four predecessors, will one day be serving life in prison. She may be made of teflon, and clearly have some dirt on Boris and others, but the evil bitch will be going to prison for life at some point.

Schizoid Man

I’ve been re-watching Patrick McGoohan’s classic ‘The Prisoner’ TV series again on YouTube. It was one of my favorite shows as a child. In the series, McGoohan’s character was a British spy who had for an unknown reason resigned suddenly, and then quickly found himself imprisoned in ‘the Village’, where all the inhabitants were known only by a number – McGoohan was ‘Number 6’.

In every episode, the controllers of the Village, led by ‘number 2’ (played by a different actor each week), attempted to play mind tricks on number 6 in order to break him and get him to reveal why he resigned. One of the cleverest episodes is ‘The Schizoid Man’, in which Number 6 is subjected to extreme and elaborate gaslighting which leads him to doubt his very identity. Using behavioral science techniques, his warders succeed in making him believe that he is a look-a-like of number 6, sent by his spy bosses to gaslight the real number 6 (who is, in fact, the fake number 6 gaslighting HIM) into doubting his own identity.

Patrick McGoohan was a classic, unflappable, stiff upper lip British actor of that bygone period. The Prisoner series was a sort of follow up to ‘Danger Man’, a popular spy series of the early 1960’s in which Patrick McGoohan played the lead role. I believe McGoohan, one of the finest actors of his generation (none other than Stanley Kubrick was of that opinion) was also offered the role of James Bond before Roger Moore took the part.

Yet despite being the epitome of the unbreakable British secret agent, Number 6 often does break down under the gaslighting he is subjected to throughout the series, although he is never broken completely.

It appears that the Met police and their colleagues in over a dozen European countries have, for the last 13 years or more, been pointing me out to thousands of security guards, as well as members of the public (or the security guards in turn point me out to them). Every one of those security guards (and members of the public) has been encouraged to mock me for ‘not liking to be looked at’. It has never been admitted to me that this is happening to me, and in fact it has been denied dozens of times. I have substantial video evidence now that they have done this (and are still doing it). They have done this in the knowledge that I have in the past suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. In fact, they have clearly done this because I have suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, and because they know it will cause me extreme psychological suffering, probably to the point of killing me or causing me to lose my mind completely. Some of these bent psychopathic sadists will eventually go to prison for life for this, under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988 which explicitly makes psychological torture an offence carrying a life term when committed by a member of the police.

And yet despite what I’ve been subjected to for nearly a decade and a half, despite the toll it’s taken on both my physical and mental health, I’m still here. I’m calmly typing this on my computer. I’m independent. I’m functioning. Sometimes, quite rarely, I almost lose it and cause a scene. I demand to see the manager of, for example, my local Marks & Spencers. I articulate my complaint to him, and he nods his head patronizingly, and reassures me in front of members of the public that the security guard, who always makes a point of standing watching me when I am checking out my items, and then walks off as soon as I’ve finished, just like hundreds of other security guards in the UK and Europe, is ‘not looking at me’. Other shoppers look over at me with a mixture of pity, contempt, and fear, thinking that I’m just another sad ‘nutter’.

In fact I’m confident that 90% of the population couldn’t have handled what I’ve been put through for over a decade. I’m doubly confident that 99.99% of male schizophrenics would not have handled what I’ve been put through as well as I have – to put it mildly. Most wouldn’t have handled it for more than a couple of weeks, let alone 13 or 14 years as I have. Even ‘The Prisoner’ could not have handled the gaslighting I have suffered, as well as I have. Even if by some technicality which meant that what the police have done is in fact legal, despite psychological torture being explicitly and clearly illegal in the UK, then the top police chiefs involved need to at the very least lose their jobs for so obviously endangering the public.

Bent Psychopath Kidnaps And Murders Young Woman – Fellow Bent Psychopaths Show Their True Colours

The UK is currently gripped by the tragic case of Sarah Everard – a young woman kidnapped and murdered, with the suspect now in custody being a serving Met police officer. As if this wasn’t shocking enough, the bent psychopath’s bent psychopathic colleagues then caused further outrage by physically manhandling a number of women peacefully conducting a silent vigil in remembrance of the victim. Another bent psychopath then poured more fuel on the fire by posting a sick meme making fun of Sarah Everard’s murder to a number of his colleagues. Several of his bent psychopathic colleagues who received the meme replied back with laughing emojis, but the officer was ‘unlucky’. It appears that one of the Met Police officers who was sent the meme was that rare thing – a police officer who isn’t a complete and utter sadistic bent psychopath. He or she didn’t see the funny side, and reported the sender of the meme, who has now been suspended.

Last year two Met Police Officers were suspended after being caught taking inappropriate photos at the crime scene of the murder of two women in a London park.

In 2019 alone, no less than 74 Met Police officers were suspended from duty for offences, some that included rape. The number of serving Met Police officers is only 37,000. The equivalent of a small town. And a dodgy one to live in, particularly for women and young girls, if it had a similar crime rate to the Met Police’s. And lets not forget that – given how utterly corrupt the Met Police is – that the majority of their hardcore bent psychopaths likely get away with it. They certainly have in my case, for nearly 15 years.

Figures show seven times more police officers than doctors or teachers were fired or convicted for sexual misconduct in the six months to October 2018. Bear in mind that both doctors and teachers come into closer contact with young women and girls, and through the nature of their job build closer relationships with them, and for longer periods, than do police officers. Yet police officers are taking advantage and raping young women and girls at 7 times greater rate than doctors and teachers. When it is their very job to protect them from crime, and their victims are often or mostly already victims of crime, including sexual crime. Plus the fact that the police can cover up for their colleagues crimes and so that 7 x rate is very likely an underestimate.

None of this surprises me however. Why would it? I’d guess that at least 90% of Met Police officers have it in them to do what their colleague Wayne Couzens has apparently done. For nearly 15 years the bent psychopaths have been pointing me out to thousands of members of the public, ranging from security guards to shop assistants, in the knowledge that I am a former paranoid schizophrenic, with the encouragement to mock my complaints of torture as ‘not liking to be looked at’, while deliberately gaslighting me into doubting whether any of this is real. Nearly 15 years later, and it’s not just that I don’t know why they are doing this, they’ve tried to deliberately ensure that I don’t know if they are doing this or I am simply insane. At shopping centers such as Fulham Broadway, their incitement of security guards leads them to doing things such as theatrically peering up the skirts of young women on escalators. When I last visited London in the summer, I would regularly pass police officers who would make a point of laughing when they saw me. Extra-judiciously torturing a mentally disabled person to death in the most sadistic way imaginable over a near 15 year period, is all very funny to them.

Yes, at least 90% of Met Police officers share the sick minds and the sick fantasies of Wayne Couzens. Note also that in the days before Sarah Everard disappeared, that he was arrested for indecent exposure, yet not suspended from duties.

Reply From Hodge Jones & Allen LLP November 2018

In November 2018 I sent an enquiry to Hodge Jones & Allen LLP. They are a leading London legal firm, and just like GT Stewart Solicitors, one of their specialities is claims against the police. I outlined my case as succinctly as possible, and this is the reply I received – almost identical to the reply from GT Stewart a couple of months before.

Dear Mr….

Thank you for your recent enquiry and the information you kindly provided.

A member of the civil liberties team has considered your case and the information you have helpfully provided in detail, and liaised with the rest of the team to see if anyone has capacity to take your case on.

Unfortunately we are unable to assist you at this time as we don’t have any capacity available. We encourage you to consult the Law Society website or 020 7320 5650 (Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:30) for other firms doing this work.

We wish you all the best moving forward finding legal representation.

Kind Regards,

Zahrah Diwan | New Client Adviser | For Hodge Jones & Allen LLP

I was obviously disheartened by this to say the least, although it wasn’t exactly a surprise after the reply from GT Stewart solicitors. So a specialist in civil liberties had considered my situation, and decided that the firm did not have the ‘capacity’ to assist me. Presumably in both of these appeals for help from legal firms, they simply thought I was nuts and were being as polite as they could be. The alternative, that they considered what I was alleging was true, but they were genuinely scratching their heads wondering just what kind of case I thought I had against the police…well it’s just too horrifying a thought to take seriously. However, it could actually be that, as the only request for help that I made in a European country was replied to by the lawyer stating directly that he did not see how I had any case. Such responses and utter failure to get any help or even sympathy in nearly fifteen years of this has led me to seriously consider whether I am actually in some kind of literal solipsist hell.

In my exasperation at the response by Hodge Jones & Allen, I sent back the following reply – which they did not reply back to.

Thanks for your reply, which is almost identical to that which I received from another law firm that specializes in complaints against the police.

In this age where one can get arrested by the police for saying something offensive on Twitter, when websites are required by law to have intrusive GDR policy messages, it’s fully legal it seems for the Metropolitan police to pursue a personal vendetta against a mentally disabled member of the public through deliberately causing distress on the basis of his mental illness. It’s legal for the police for ten years to show the photograph of a paranoid schizophrenic to thousands of security guards, as well as members of the public, and request the same to their colleagues in 13 different European countries, with encouragement and incitement to mock my complaints and intimidate me from making further complaints or legal action (not they need to), whilst deliberately trying to leave me in a state where I’m unsure as to whether I’m simply insane, and there’s nothing I can ever do about this? They can follow me into a Starbucks with Heckler and Koch submachine guns in order to intimidate me from making further private requests for help from anti-torture charities (again, not they had anything to worry about), and there’s just nothing to see here of any concern to anybody?

This is all somehow consistent with the United Nations Convention Against Torture** which explicitly forbids the causing severe pain or suffering, either physical or mental, whether to ‘punish’ or ‘intimidate’? I would have gladly swapped what I’ve gone through over the last ten years, and the thought that this will continue for further decades, with just a couple of beatings down the station and even having my fingernails torn out or such.

Any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity.


**Update – when I sent these requests for help, and in fact for most of the nearly 15 years of this, I was unsure as to whether the psychological torture I’ve been subjected to by the police was illegal, or was ‘merely’ contrary to the United Nations Convention Against Torture (CAT). As I recently posted, that treaty, and its explicit prohibition against psychological torture, has been clearly written into UK law under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988. The offence by a public official (such as a police officer) carries a life term.

Rejection By GT Stewart Solicitors Over Request For Help In Legal Action Against Met Police (2018)

Here is the reply I received on September 3rd 2018 from Natalie Acheampong of GT Stewart – ‘a renowned multiservice law firm’ that supposedly specializes in human rights.

Dear Mr. XXXXX

Re: Your enquiry regarding a possible complaint/claim against the police

You contacted us recently to ask whether we could assist you with a potential claim against the police. Regrettably, due to existing pressure of work this department would be unable to devote the time needed for your potential claim and we are sorry that we cannot help on this occasion.

You may wish to call the Community Legal Services Direct service on 0845 345 4345 or the Law Society on 0207 242 1222. They may be able to help you in finding a suitable firm of solicitors that can assist you with your matter should you wish to find another solicitor whom specialises in this kind of claim.

Thank you for your interest in this firm.

Kind regards,

Natalie Acheampong

Off the top of my head, I’d say at least 100 different businesses have played a direct role in my torture over a number of years, quite a number of them – including the likes of Tesco, Marks & Spencers, Securitas etc, in more than one different country. Presumably, if this ever came to court, I would be eligible for vast sums from every one of them (not that this is of the slightest motivation to see it brought to court – just pointing out that any legal firm that took up my case would certainly be financially rewarded.).

Complaints To Mark Adedeji, Giulia Puricelli, Deutsche International Custodial Services Fulham Broadway

At Fulham Broadway shopping center, London, I’ve been abused and harassed by security staff just as I have at dozens of other shopping centers across the UK and Europe. I only visit this particular center a few times a year. Like everywhere else, the security staff gaslight me by deliberately and repeatedly standing directly in my line of sight watching me, often making theatrical gestures that they are not watching me (i.e. theatrically craining their necks as if looking beyond me, or looking up at the ceiling). The fact that I look somewhat suspiciously at them for correctly assuming that are doing this deliberately (as well as hundreds of other security guards in dozens of other shopping centers across Europe for nearly 15 years), appears to justify in their minds continuing to do it. They also theatrically leer at young women, just like I’ve encountered at many other shops and centers around Europe. This has been taken to a rather disturbing level at the Fulham Broadway though. On one occasion, I was sitting by the window of Pret A Manger, and a male security guard made a theatrical point of looking up a young woman’s skirt while behind her on the escalator (neither of the two staff pictured below were this individual, who was much taller). The woman, who was with a male partner, noticed and was visibly distressed by the incident. To be fair, I’ve also noticed security guards there often leering at young women without appearing to notice me or as a response to me, in fact even leering at the behinds of young girls, so they are not always doing this in response to me (or at the incitement of Hammersmith & Fulham police).

Like dozens or hundreds of other places across Europe, the security guards (in this case CIS Security) not only point me out to non-security staff, but they do so openly and in front of me.

Although most likely imbeciles, the guards must be aware that as I very rarely visit that center, the same thing as they are doing to me there must be happening to me everywhere.

Apart from the CIS security guards that patrol the center, two of the shops inside have been the worst for the abuse that I have encountered – Sainsburys and Boots, with the security guards at Boots being TSS (Total Security Services).

I believe I made a complaint about the guards to Fulham Broadway management several years ago and it wasn’t even replied to. Early this year I had another go, and addressed my complaint to the management and it was forwarded on by the ‘site administrator (a person named Giulia Puricelli) to the head of security there, a Mr Mark Adededji.

I was given a very vague reply by Mark Adededji who ‘reassured’ me that the center was dedicated to customer care, and wanted to know the exact dates and times of the incidents.

I wish to make a very serious complaint about your security staff at Fulham Broadway.

For a number of years I’ve been subjected to verbal abuse and intimidation by your guards working in the Broadway.

This is in the context of my apparently being pointed out to security guards not only across the UK, but in over a dozen other countries, beyond any legitimate possible reason, and rather for the purpose of causing me extreme mental distress and pain. I assure you this is very much illegal and I have faith that a number of senior police officers in the UK and elsewhere will ultimately be serving long prison sentences for this.

As far as your security guards are concerned, I believe they work for the company G4S. For the last 11 years, I have experienced the same abusive behaviour from security guards employed by that company not only in dozens of other premises in the UK, but in a number of other European countries.

It appears that your security guards in the Broadway are aware of my allegations of (psychological) torture on the part of the Met Police, and have attempted to repeatedly intimidate me on account of that. I would like to stress that intimidating a victim of crime does carry a five year prison sentence in the UK.

In fact, it appears I’ve been pointed out to your security guards by the police because of my allegations against them (and other security guards). In other words to punish me for these allegations. As far as I can tell, I was not pointed out to your guards five years ago when I was living in London, but now that I do not and only pass through your shopping center maybe a dozen days a year.

On a visit in August, one of your black male security guards clearly pointed me out to a Sky employee serving at their stand in the Broadway. As I passed, the guard looked at me, shook his head and said something to the Sky employee, who then looked at me wide eyed.

Last year, whilst I was sitting eating by the window of Pret a Manger, another black male security guard was going up the escalator. In front of him on the escalator was a young couple. The black Male security guard made a very theatrical gesture of attempting to look up the young woman”s skirt, to which she noticed and was visibly distressed by.

I trust you will take these allegations seriously, and I would like to point that if you fail to reply and communicate that you do take these allegations seriously, I will forward this e-mail on to the Member of Parliament for Hammersmith and Fulham, Mr Andy Slaughter.

Note that I got the security firm working at the Broadway wrong – it is not G4S but CIS Security. Also, Andy Slaughter was the MP for Chelsea & Fulham, not Hammersmith & Fulham.

This was Mr Mark Adededji’s reply :

Good morning Sir/Ma,

I have gone through your allegations which you claimed to have taken place at the Fulham Broadway Centre. I would like to assure you that the Centre and staff are committed to deliver high standards of customer care to all our visitors.

Although we do not use G4S staff at the Centre in Fulham, it would nevertheless be of crucial importance that we look into this serious allegation.

Can you please provide more information with dates of when these incidents occurred to enable us to carry out further investigation on this serious complaint.

Kind regards

Of course I couldn’t remember the exact dates and times of the incidents, and my complaint had made it clear this was an ongoing problem stretching back a number of years. A couple of weeks later, when on my next visit to the center the same harassment and gaslighting occured again, I sent the following complaint to Mr Adededji :

Mate, a couple of weekends after I made my complaint to you, your staff were again harassing and gaslighting me, making a point of standing outside the shops that I visited such as Boots and Sainsbury’s. As for when I witnessed your staff looking up the skirt of a young woman on the escalator or looking at the butts of very young girls which I’ve seen them doing several times, I can’t give you the precise dates from memory. You just connect the fact that your staff have been breaking the disability discrimination act as regards their behavior towards me for a number of years, but more than that my allegation is that they have been participating in torture against my person, and that from this point onwards, I will hold you – Mark Adedeji – legally responsible for any further abuse I suffer from your staff.

This e-mail did not receive a reply.

Due to lockdowns, I could not visit the UK for several months, until last month. My elderly mother also developed cancer during this period and so for the last month I had to care for her, and consequently have been visiting the Fulham Broadway center more often. Unfortunately, nothing had changed as regards the staff. On my second visit back to the Broadway, I stood at the checkout till, buying some goods after collecting a prescription for my mother. Immediately upon seeing me, a black male security guard stopped and stood watching me directly as I was served. There was no other person waiting behind me to be served.

After a minute or so of this I got my smartphone out and started to record him (I will upload the video shortly, but here is a photo). Quite quickly, he got uncomfortably guilty at being captured on camera, and proceeded to walk off. The second photo I took of him after he had walked away.

Fulham Broadway Center security Mark Adededji 2020 08 20 1

An abusive Fulham Broadway shopping center security guard employed by Mark Adededji

Fulham Broadway Shopping Center security staff 2020 08 20 2

The same Fulham Broadway security guard after I had recorded him gaslighting me.

Later that week I visited the center again, and the same security guard immediately took up position outside Vodafone, directly facing me as soon as I sat down in the Pret A Manger opposite, and did the customary looking up at the ceiling etc.

The next week, I again visited the center to grab a sandwich in the Pret-A-Manger. This time, a different black male security guard – ‘Henry’ – spotted me, walked towards the Pret, pointed a finger at his head, then proceeded to very theatrically leer for several seconds at an attractive young woman sitting at the window. He then proceeded to walk across the the other side of the center and position himself outside of the Vodafone store and stood staring at me. After a little while, a member of staff from that shop came out and chatted with him for a few minutes, during which time, Henry appeared to point me out to the staff member.

Henry and Vodafone staff member Fulham Broadway

Security guard ‘Henry’ in his usual position whenever I eat in Pret A Manger

Henry Fulham Broadway security guard of Mark Adedji

‘Henry’ the gaslighting security guard for Mark Adedji

So I made another complaint to Mark Adedji :


I made very serious allegations against members of your security staff 9 months ago, allegations which were addressed to the Fulham Broadway management (Giulia Puricelli) and passed on to you. You made some vague request for the times and dates of the incidents, even though I made it clear that this has been an ongoing problem every time I visit the center stretching back a number of years. You then failed to reply to my follow up responses in which I complained that I was still being harassed and gaslighted by your staff.

Around 4 weeks ago, I visited your center for the first time in several months. I shopped in Sainsburys where – as has clearly been the case for the last 13 years – the security guards (one of which I had never seen before to my knowledge) clearly recognized me as soon as I entered the store and became agitated. One of them constantly glared at me with his fists clenched.

A couple of days later I entered your center again after learning that my elderly mother had been diagnosed with cancer. I needed to shop in Boots pharmacy, and as I was at the checkout till (the only person at the till), one of your security guards walking up and down the center by the tube station entrance, decided to stop and just stare at me, face on, while I was being served. I started recording him and after a few seconds he became uncomfortable with this and decided to walk off. (see the photos attached).

Last week I made a third visit to your center. I was seated in Pret A Manger, and one of your security guards (which I saw from his identity tag is named Henry) walked past, looked at me through the window,appeared to make a gesture of pointing at his head, then made a very theatrical point of leering for several seconds at an attractive young woman who was sitting at the window. He then proceeded to stand directly in my line of sight across the center (photo attached) and stood staring at me for several minutes. A member of the Vodafone staff then stood talking to him, and he appeared to point me out to him.

Yesterday, I made a fourth visit to your center, and again, as I sat in Pret A Manger, one of your security guards (the same one who stood watching me as I was served in Boots last month), immediately chose to stand watching me directly in line with me outside of Vodafone.

Mr Adedeji and Giulia Puricelli – over the course of the next few weeks, I intend to publish these allegations online. Among other things I feel this is necessary for my protection as your staff in the center, including in Sainsburys, appear to have made threats in the past and continue to be intimidating me as regards my allegations.

Further, I intend to contact the Right Honorable Greg Hands – the Member of Parliament for Chelsea and Fulham. As well as forwarding on this correspondence by e-mail, I will send him a letter outlining my concerns by registered post.

Lastly, I will seek legal advice from several legal firms in Fulham on the matter having the both of you prosecuted under the Disability Discrimination Act. Obviously my allegations are far more serious than this by a huge order of magnitude, but it would be a first step to get this into a court of law and establish exactly what you, your company, and the Met Police, have been doing to myself – a disabled member of the public – for a number of years.


Again it did not receive a reply.

However, on my next visit, it was very clear that my complaint had been passed on to the security guards working there. The first security guard (the one above who stood watching me in Boots from outside, and then while I sat in Pret-A-Manger, was extremely aggressive to the point I thought he was come in to the Pret-A-Manger and attempt to assault me. A security guard who appears to be the regular guard for the Wilkinsons store in the Center, also behaved extremely aggressively.

From that point, the only times I used the center were to either pass through on my way out of the tube station, or to collect my prescription for my cancer stricken mother in the Boots store there (where she has to have it collected from), which I talked about here.

I sent one final e-mail to Mr Adedji, forwarded on to the deputy Ana Sousa, as he was on leave :

On a further visit on Wednesday, the security guard in the first two photos again was aggressive, again mocking my serious allegations as a matter of myself ‘thinking he is looking at me when he isn’t’. So it appears that you’re not going to reply to my complaint, but you evidently have passed on my complaint to your thug security guards in a manner which leads them to be even more aggressive and abusive. As I pointed out to you in my very first e-mail, intimidating a victim of crime in the UK does carry a five year prison sentence.

I also visited Boots where I have to get essential prescriptions for my elderly mother who has been diagnosed with cancer. The TSS security guard (I have also been pointed out to dozens of TSS guards in other Boots stores) rattled his keys as I walked in, became agitated and suspicious when I walked out 10 minutes later empty handed (my mother’s prescription wasn’t ready). When I returned after having something to eat in Pret A Manger, he again moved from his usual spot at the entrance and stood close to the pharmacy counter, repeatedly looking over at me in an agitated fashion.

I’m going to draft my letter to Mr Greg Hands today and hopefully will be able to send it to you tonight for you to have a look at. I’m also going to visit the center today. Hopefully I wont see your guards looking up the skirts of young women or immediately standing outside Vodafone watching me as I sit down in Pret A Manager then getting aggressive because I draw the obvious conclusion it’s deliberate (and so would a court of law, btw).. And if the TSS thug at Boots or your center security guards leaves me too intimidated to collect my mother’s prescriptions I guarantee that you’re going to be facing prison this time next year.

Again, no reply.

On my day of departure from the UK, I had to say goodbye to my elderly mother. I passed through the Fulham Broadway Center still with tears in my eyes, to catch the tube to the airport, knowing I may never see her again. As I entered the Broadway, two security guards were positioned alongside each other, spaced out by 10 meters or so, facing the entrance, with their arms folded, as though ‘expecting’ somebody. When they saw me, one of them – a middle-aged Asian male – gave me the usual ‘I’m not looking at you, you nutter’ look, very aggressively. I was with my holdall, with tears almost streaming down my face, so he must obviously have known I was leaving. Didn’t seem to concern the psychopath.

Because of Covid, I have not been able to visit since.

It’s important to note that the behavior of the CIS and TSS security staff at Fulham Broadway Center – the illegal and extra-judicial gaslighting torture, the intimidation of the victim for making complaints about this, the preventing of my collecting prescriptions for my elderly cancer stricken mother, the looking up women’s skirts, and theatrically staring at women sitting in Pret A Manger – is the result of the instructions, advice, or encouragement of Hammersmith & Fulham police officers. In the UK, the offence of psychological torture committed by a police officer carries a life term custodial sentence (as per the Criminal Justice Act of 1988). Several times last summer, I passed police officers in Fulham – both male and female – who would make a theatrical point of laughing when they saw me. This is all hilarious to them. Or it will be until some of the bent psychopathic criminal sadists get finally sentenced to life in prison.

Austrian Islamist Psycho Was Known To Security Services

Sometimes this just gets all too much. The media are rightly making a big thing about the Islamist dickhead who killed four people in Vienna the other day, being known – like so many of them – already to the security services. These incompetent?? bent psychopaths appear not to have the resources to keep track of radical Islamists who go on to kill and/or behead multiple people, yet they can keep myself – somebody in the past who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia – under surveillance to the extent, for example, of informing the guards at every single shopping center in Europe that I visit, of my arrival. The justification being, apparently, that I get a little bit ‘paranoid’ and suspicious about this. Never once violent, just looking a bit upset or agitated, and occasionally asking to see a manager to make a complaint.

Again, if you’re reading this and assuming I am just a ‘nutter’ suffering from a delusion, then consider that I have built up a large amount of video and audio evidence that I am being kept under ‘surveillance’ in this manner. I have been stable (despite all this) for over a decade, and am completely independent. I am a highly intelligent person, with a degree in philosophy, and I am fully able to critique my beliefs in a rational and objective manner, and unfortunately, it is highly likely that they are really doing this.

And it gets worse than that. Not only had this Austrian Islamist been caught and (briefly) imprisoned for trying to fight for ISIS in Syria, and commit genocide, rape, and all the rest these twats get up to, but he had also been recently caught, after his release obviously, trying to purchase ammunition.

Austrian police have been among the worst bent psychopaths in the 13 years I’ve suffered through this. I’ve visited Vienna several times, and each time it was clear that not only had I been pointed out to every pig in the center of the city – who would mock me for ‘not liking to be looked at by them – but also by security guards at the train station and elsewhere. They too, would go out of their way to mock me in the same way. Exactly the same thing happened in Graz, which I also visited a couple of years ago.

Even if the bent psychopathic subhumans do or did have a legitimate reason to keep me under this kind of surveillance, how could they possibly prioritize me over people like this, the most dangerous people imaginable, intent on terrorism, genocide and mass rape? How could this be anything other than a sadistic vendetta on their part against somebody who will suffer like few others because of it? I.e., psychological torture of the most extreme and inhuman kind?

And again – this isn’t just ‘surveillance’. The hundreds or thousands of guards and non-security staff I’m pointed out to are encouraged or incited to bully, harass, mock, as well as intimidate me, and above all, gaslight me.

TSS Security Guard Boots Fulham Broadway Intimidates Me From Collecting Prescription For Dying Mother

The reason I’m back in London is because my elderly mother recently developed cancer. I have to collect her prescriptions from the Boots in the Fulham Broadway Shopping Center. I get the usual gaslighting and intimidation from the center security guards, which I will post about later, and as any reader might expect, the Total Security Services (TSS) security guard in the Boots store is particularly thuggish.

Each time I go in to collect a prescription for my mother, he moves around the store so that he is watching me, clearly agitated, usually with his arms folded, doing the ‘I’m not looking at you’ routine, and then moving away from his position as soon I as walk out the store.

Last week I complained (via e-mail) to the center management (Giulia Puricelli) about both the TSS security guard as well as their center guards. Typically, they have not replied, but at least with the center guards, it’s obvious my complaint was passed on. I made clear that I had to go in to Boots to collect my prescription for my elderly mother (I have to collect the prescriptions at that Boots store) and was being intimidated by their security guard. Despite this, yesterday again it happened. When I walked to the prescription counter, he suddenly appeared and stood in a position to watch me. When I then went to the checkout till to buy some other medical products, he immediately moved to a position by the entrance directly facing me, arms folded, while repeatedly and theatrically looking out in to the center, then turning back to look at me and becoming aggressive if I made any eye contact with him. See the photograph below.

Ricky Gardezi TSS Security Guard Boots Fulham Broadway Shopping Center

TSS Security Guard Boots Fulham Broadway Shopping Center

The legal justification appears to be that I get agitated at the fact that I (somebody in the past who suffered from the devastating mental illness paranoid schizophrenia), is and has been pointed to security guards in over a dozen different countries for well over a decade, including at dozens of Boots stores, and it never being admitted to me that this is the case, and in fact explicitly denied (as a ‘delusion’ on my part) many times (including by Boots Customer services). This guard in the photo is presumably thinking (based on whatever info he has been given about me) that I’m just a ‘nutter’ who doesn’t like being looked at by security guards, and that he has to ‘stand up to me’. Yes, all these thousands of tough security guards, including hundreds in Eastern Europe, no doubt many with links to mafia etc, are the victims, not the mentally ill member of the public being sadistically gaslighted by them, their security firms, and the various police forces pointing me out to them. Note I have never once been aggressive with a security guard anywhere. I just look suspiciously at them or sometimes agitatedly when it all gets too much, as it would for any normal person, let alone a person with my history after over a decade of it across an entire continent.

Ricky Gardezi TSS Security Guard Fulham Broadway Boots

The Ricky Gardezi TSS Security Guard at Boots Fulham Broadway observing me paying at a self-service till while not observing the law on Covid face coverings.

I am absolutely proud of the way I have handled this over the last 13 years.

This brute actually looks like he might use violence. I feel I should go in to the store and ask to speak to the manager (apparently one Rabia Bennet), but I do fear this thug might attack me. In any case, the manager will no doubt ‘reassure me’, and humiliate me in front of members of the public, by slowly telling me that it’s all a co-incidence, and that the security guard is not looking or me, or is ‘looking at everybody’.

I walked out of the store, walked half-way towards the entrance/exit to the Broadway, and then walked back to see if the guard was still in the same position 20 seconds later. No, he had gone (and I took another photograph to prove it).

Lavender Hill Police Station Battersea 2008 – 2020

My torture began in earnest in 2008 when I was living in Battersea, close to Lavender Hill police station. I assume that the police stationed there had a leading role in making the policy decision that has resulted in myself suffering extreme and deliberate psycholgocal torture in 13 countries for 13 years. At any rate, individual bent psychopaths based at that station certainly both took part and explicitly threatened and intimidated me over my allegations of torture many times. They apparently are still doing this today.

I thought it would be a good idea to have this page as a record of the offcers who have been stationed at Lavender Hill Police station over the last 13 years, and in particular those known to be working there in 2008. This will be for the purposes of a hopfeully future legal case against the police. Obviouly, all the sources I glean this information from will be already in the public domain, primarily online news articles.