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TSS Security Guard Boots Fulham Broadway Intimidates Me From Collecting Prescription For Dying Mother

The reason I’m back in London is because my elderly mother recently developed cancer. I have to collect her prescriptions from the Boots in the Fulham Broadway Shopping Center. I get the usual gaslighting and intimidation from the center security guards, which I will post about later, and as any reader might expect, the Total Security Services (TSS) security guard in the Boots store is particularly thuggish.

Each time I go in to collect a prescription for my mother, he moves around the store so that he is watching me, clearly agitated, usually with his arms folded, doing the ‘I’m not looking at you’ routine, and then moving away from his position as soon I as walk out the store.

Last week I complained (via e-mail) to the center management (Giulia Puricelli) about both the TSS security guard as well as their center guards. Typically, they have not replied, but at least with the center guards, it’s obvious my complaint was passed on. I made clear that I had to go in to Boots to collect my prescription for my elderly mother (I have to collect the prescriptions at that Boots store) and was being intimidated by their security guard. Despite this, yesterday again it happened. When I walked to the prescription counter, he suddenly appeared and stood in a position to watch me. When I then went to the checkout till to buy some other medical products, he immediately moved to a position by the entrance directly facing me, arms folded, while repeatedly and theatrically looking out in to the center, then turning back to look at me and becoming aggressive if I made any eye contact with him. See the photograph below.

Ricky Gardezi TSS Security Guard Boots Fulham Broadway Shopping Center

TSS Security Guard Boots Fulham Broadway Shopping Center

The legal justification appears to be that I get agitated at the fact that I (somebody in the past who suffered from the devastating mental illness paranoid schizophrenia), is and has been pointed to security guards in over a dozen different countries for well over a decade, including at dozens of Boots stores, and it never being admitted to me that this is the case, and in fact explicitly denied (as a ‘delusion’ on my part) many times (including by Boots Customer services). This guard in the photo is presumably thinking (based on whatever info he has been given about me) that I’m just a ‘nutter’ who doesn’t like being looked at by security guards, and that he has to ‘stand up to me’. Yes, all these thousands of tough security guards, including hundreds in Eastern Europe, no doubt many with links to mafia etc, are the victims, not the mentally ill member of the public being sadistically gaslighted by them, their security firms, and the various police forces pointing me out to them. Note I have never once been aggressive with a security guard anywhere. I just look suspiciously at them or sometimes agitatedly when it all gets too much, as it would for any normal person, let alone a person with my history after over a decade of it across an entire continent.

Ricky Gardezi TSS Security Guard Fulham Broadway Boots

The Ricky Gardezi TSS Security Guard at Boots Fulham Broadway observing me paying at a self-service till while not observing the law on Covid face coverings.

I am absolutely proud of the way I have handled this over the last 13 years.

This brute actually looks like he might use violence. I feel I should go in to the store and ask to speak to the manager (apparently one Rabia Bennet), but I do fear this thug might attack me. In any case, the manager will no doubt ‘reassure me’, and humiliate me in front of members of the public, by slowly telling me that it’s all a co-incidence, and that the security guard is not looking or me, or is ‘looking at everybody’.

I walked out of the store, walked half-way towards the entrance/exit to the Broadway, and then walked back to see if the guard was still in the same position 20 seconds later. No, he had gone (and I took another photograph to prove it).

Lavender Hill Police Station Battersea 2008 – 2020

My torture began in earnest in 2008 when I was living in Battersea, close to Lavender Hill police station. I assume that the police stationed there had a leading role in making the policy decision that has resulted in myself suffering extreme and deliberate psycholgocal torture in 13 countries for 13 years. At any rate, individual bent psychopaths based at that station certainly both took part and explicitly threatened and intimidated me over my allegations of torture many times. They apparently are still doing this today.

I thought it would be a good idea to have this page as a record of the offcers who have been stationed at Lavender Hill Police station over the last 13 years, and in particular those known to be working there in 2008. This will be for the purposes of a hopfeully future legal case against the police. Obviouly, all the sources I glean this information from will be already in the public domain, primarily online news articles.

I Can’t Breathe

Like most of the world, I was absolutely sickened at the sight of a black American man – George Floyd – having the life squeezed out of him by four psychopathic brutes.

Of course, scenes of sickening and inhuman brutality by cops do not exactly shock or surprise me in the least.

All I know is that the act of putting on a police uniform seems to turn what might have been something of a human being into an inhuman, psychopathic monster.

And it’s not a few ‘bad apples’. Police officers are sadistic, quasi-human monsters. How can I believe otherwise after what I have been subjected to by literally thousands of them for over a decade?

I am not a black man, I understand that the George Floyd death is more a symbol of what is perceived as black oppression in the USA rather than an individual tragic case, or even of police brutality in general.

My case is not going to cause protests. The fact that I have been screaming and pleading in vain for 13 years that ‘I can’t breathe’ isn’t, it seems, going to garner a single shred of sympathy from anyone. And if I finally lose my mind all-together and spend the rest of my life banging my head against a padded wall, or commit suicide, or am discovered at the bottom of a river after being killed by an East European security firm or by the police themselves, nobody will even know what’s happened to me, let alone shed a tear or join a march.

What has hurt me perhaps more than the brutal killing of George Floyd, is seeing the events unfold in London. Obviously, his death has been exploited by sections of the community to cause mayhem, even thousands of miles away in the UK. But what’s truly disturbed me is the abject cowardice and obsequious of London Metropolitan police officers, the same evil bullying scum who have had their knees on my neck for 13 years in the knowledge that I wont survive it much longer.

How did I let these subhuman cowards do this to me for 13 years? I’ve been asking myself this constantly the last few days.

Well really, I don’t know what I could have done differently. The fault not lies in me, but the police who are clearly worthless, cowardly, criminal, bullies. Torturing to death a mentally disabled member of the public is fine by them, but any group that can stand up to them, and they are on their knees begging for forgiveness like the craven cowards they are.

Yes, I’ve gone about this the right away. I began over a decade ago by making complaints to the companies that were employing the security guards/staff who were engaging in torture against me – such as Tesco, Boots, Sainsburys etc. When this had no effect (or simply increased the bullying and intimidation by staff and security guards) I appealed for help from anti-torture organizations, and was told to stop spamming or more often, simply ignored all-together. After a few years, I started to ‘escalate’ my complaints by directly e-mailing the CEOs of companies like Sainsburys and Tesco. Again, it made absolutely no difference. More recently, I tried contacting several legal firms. Two UK firms both told me my case was ‘too complex’ for them. Out of three European firms I contacted, two did not reply and the other tersely informed me of his opinion that ‘I don’t have a case’ (he didn’t even ask why the police in 13 countries were doing this to me – a paranoid schizophrenic – for over a decade).

One other thing I tried was recording my bullying on hidden cams. I did this fairly infrequently for a while, early on around a decade ago. I wish I had done it more, but due to threats and intimidation from police officers (including at Lavender Hill, Battersea) I decided to stop. I have started this again recently, and this time I will not stop.

I am confident I have enough recorded footage already to at least persuade an independent third party to take my allegations seriously. Moreover, at least it has preserved some sanity in myself. I KNOW that it has not been a delusion on my part. When I walked into a Sainsburys store 11 years ago where I was being abused, and I recorded – as I expected – a cashier getting up to leave as soon as I joined the queue saying – ‘I’m going. I don’t feel well, I don’t know why’, then at least proves to me that the police DID point me out to dozens of stores, restaurants etc. To anyone else, I guess they could say I must have been acting aggressively or shouting at staff the day before, but I KNOW that that’s not the case.

So finally, the setting up of this blog, together with the resumption of hidden recording (and uploading the videos) seems to me the best way to escalate this further. I’m getting threats and intimidation for this. Total Security Services or the police themselves issued a successful take down notice to YouTube for my video of the Boots security guard in Priory Meadow Shopping Center Hastings. Last week, as I was walking down a near deserted street, a police car speeded up and suddenly broke hard along side me. When I turned around to look, the (European) police officer in the driving seat was grinning evilly at me.

All I want is for this to stop and for me to able to resume my sad life without being tortured to death. At all times I’ve not only obeyed the law, but tried to escalate things gradually.

Unfortunately, after 13 years, it’s clear that the sadistic bent psychopathic criminals doing this to me will not get off my neck until such time as they have a real and honest fear that they will be spending time in prison unless they do so (and even then I believe they are such out of control psychopathic immature sadists that they wont stop until it’s too late).

Boots Worthing High Street March 2020 (Chief Inspector Sarah Leadbetter)

The Chief Inspector for Worthing is Sarah Leadbetter.

Under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988, a public official such as a member of the police, who commits the offence of psychological torture, is liable to a life term custodial prison sentence.

Not long after the hidden camera video I took in Boots, Hastings had been removed from YouTube (after less than 100 views) following a ‘privacy’ complaint, I visited Boots in Worthing High Street. It was my first visit to a Boots store on my return to the UK, and since the video was taken down.

Owing to stupidity on my part, or rather cognitive dissonance, I went into the store without recording my visit. Sometimes I still can’t believe that the police can really be doing this. Then I’m confronted by the fact that no, they really are fucking doing this. They really are out of control sadists engaging in torture and conspiracy to murder against a mentally disabled member of the public. And I’ve failed to record it. And this happened again on this occasion.

As soon as the male cashier saw me, he gave the odd immediate apparent look of recognition that I’ve encountered so often before in the last 13 years, habitually in Boots as much as anywhere else.

I ignored him, and when it came to being served (he was the only cashier on duty) I took care not to act in any way that could possibly ’cause’ him to act strangely. I had been in that store twice before several months ago, and in those two previous visits (the only ones to this store in my life) I was served by a young gentleman, in which nothing unusual happened. I’m sure I had never seen this older cashier before, or he me (unless, of course, as is likely, I had been pointed out to him).

After serving me, in a very odd manner, he said – rather aggressively – ‘you’re welcome’, before I’d even had the chance to say thank you.

So it appears that several weeks after issuing a take down notice to YouTube for ‘privacy invasion’ of a video that strongly indicates that Boots/Total Security Services have been pointing me out to security guards and cashiers in their stores – something denied by Boots customer care, they have then pointed me out (or allowed Sussex police to point me out) to a member of staff in Worthing.

Rather annoyed, I decided to go back into the store less than an hour later. I had in fact (truthfully) forgotten to buy a packet of sinus rinses. The same cashier was serving. This time I recorded everything, and the cashier seemed to be aware of this as he served me in an exaggeratedly polite manner. Below is a photograph of the cashier. Unfortunately, the camera could not resolve his name tag, but it looks like he could be the manager of the store.


There was no TSS security guard at that store during my visits (or my two other previous visits there, as far as I can remember).

I also experienced strange behaviour from staff in other shops, as well as the cafes – particularly the Cafe Nero. I submitted my tax return at the post office in WH Smiths, and the young male serving me gave me an apparent look of recognition and of disgust.

*Update – HMRC did not receive my tax return, and I had to re-submit it from London.

Daniel Morgan, Max Paws – Do I Really Have Any Chance?

Recently I posted an article entitled – ‘The biggest scandal in the history of the Met Police‘.

The Met Police have been torturing me for at least around 13 years. Exploiting my past diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, both through causing me maximum psychological pain AND in the knowledge that it will be very difficult for me to be believed.

They have been pointing me out (with the help of their colleagues) to security guards in 13 different countries in all that time. Not just pointing me out, but encouraging those security guards to mock and abuse me, belittle my allegations of torture as myself ‘not liking to be looked at’, and presumably encouraging those security guards to encourage non-security staff in shops, at shopping centers etc. to likewise bully me. All the while this being explicitly denied by the security guards etc., and the companies who employ them, such as Boots and Sainsbury’s.

I’ve always tried to keep some faith, that sooner or later, somebody will believe me, somebody will realize that this is beyond some minor police corruption, that the torture of a mentally disabled individual, and apparent conspiracy to murder through that torture, involving not only the Met Police, but other police forces in the UK such as Sussex Police, as well as at least 12 other police forces in Europe, as well as hundreds or thousands of ordinary members of the public, is something that just..well. does cross a line somewhat for a civilized country in the 21st century.

And then BOOM! The biggest scandal in the history of the Metropolitan Police and a number of the dirty, bent psychopaths, presumably chief commissioners among them, will go to prison, perhaps for life.

But I’m really starting to lose faith even in this.

As also pointed out in another post, I’ve appealed to anti-torture charities, I’ve appealed to legal firms (that specialize in police misconduct cases), I’ve made countless complaints to firms such as Sainsburys, Tesco, Boots and others. And it’s not simply always a case that I wasn’t believed (as I expected), but that they – including the anti-torture charities and the legal firms – don’t seem to see any issue.

So the Met Police and their colleagues in 12 other countries have been gaslighting a paranoid schizophrenic for 13 years, involved hundreds or thousands of members of the public in this, made threats and intimidated the victim in order to keep quiet, and don’t appear to have any intention of stopping until the victim has either lost his mind or committed suicide, and this is a problem? Yawn.

Recently I came across a video uploaded by a YouTuber called ‘Max Paws’. He’s one of a number of anti-police corruption YouTubers who pisses the boys in blue off by filming them in public and standing his ground with a knowledge of his rights.

Except in his case, the boys in blue didn’t just get annoyed. They really do appear to have framed him and arbitarily arrested him.

It’s hard to be certain from the video, but it does appear that at worst, he nudged past the police officer, for which he was immediately arrested for ‘assault’ – already being known to the two officers as that annoying YouTuber who films them.

The video, two months old, appears to have a lot of views, but for what clearly seems an example of British police officers caught framing a member of the public for assault, simply for annoying them filming them and accusing them of corruption, it hasn’t gone viral as you might expect. Why aren’t the papers and media all over this?

A couple of years ago I was walking through Eastbourne and a ‘business warden’ (who have been given police powers) was walking in my direction. Apparently recognizing me, as he had the day before, he had a look of fury on his face as he glared at me. I moved to the side, but it wasn’t enough as he made no attempt to alter his course and barged right into me. Obviously he was wearing a thick or padded jacket, he was also much bigger than me, and I felt the impact on my shoulder. He actually did cause me pain, which took a few minutes to subside.

Easbourne business wardens

The individual was not either of the two Eastbourne Business wardens in the above photo.

Last summer, on another visit to Eastbourne, two business wardens explicitly claimed not to have any knowledge of me, and I was led out of the Beacon shopping center by the manager ‘Chris’ for ‘making allegations against his security staff’.

Can The Police Get Away With What They Have Done To Me?

Another case I came across recently has left me feeling pretty hopeless, as well as even more in fear of my life from the bent psychopaths.

The case of Daniel Morgan, an investigative journalist exposing police corruption, who was murdered with an axe, and several people then framed for it by the very bent psychopaths who had previously threatened to have Daniel Morgan murdered, is quite painful to read.

If you can read that, and then doubt that the police in the UK are not capable of deliberately gaslighting a paranoid schizophrenic, for the purpose of inflicting pain on that person through his mental illness, as well as in the smug knowledge that it will be very difficult for him to be believed, then I don’t know what to say.

Certainly it has made me realize what kind of danger I am in. Apparently, as well as framing him, the police sued the YouTuber ‘Max Paws’ for slander for writing bad things about them. They wont sue me for slander, because they know if this comes to court it will indeed become the biggest scandal in the history of the Met Police. They have already issued take down notices to YouTube and apparently had certain pages delisted from Google and Bing, but in the end they will likely just kill me. They are probably hoping they wont have to do that, instead preferring that I’m either driven into suicide, I lose my mind completely, or one of the dozens of security firms they’ve involved in my torture (including Eastern European security firms), who they are then inciting that I am ‘threatening them’ with legal action, will eventually have me killed.

And again – it appears there is absolutely nothing I can do about any of this.

Chief of Malaga Police Dies of Heart Attack

Commissioner Ángel Barros Fernández, head of the Malaga provincial police force, died earlier this month of a heart attack, just one week before he was due to retire.

As I described in a previous post, I have been to Malaga twice for brief ‘respites’ in the last two years, and on both occasions was met by abuse and mocking from both police officers and security guards (particularly in the El Corte Ingles store) who I had clearly been pointed out to. Presumably this guy was aware of it, and obviously the context of it being done similarly to me wherever I travel (or live) for the last 13 years, as somebody whose life had already been destroyed by paranoid schizophrenia. If so, I sincerely hope he is now in hell, although given I am an atheist, I have no faith and therefore no consolation that he is.

‘Who Are They Going To Believe – You Or Me?’

The one good thing coming out of the cornoavirus crisis, is that it may be opening the public’s eyes to just how dishonest, power mad, corrupt, bent, and psychopathic the police in the UK really are.

Of course, virtually every policeman in Britain has been dreaming of this day when the entire population is under something close to house arrest, and they can stop and question ANYONE they don’t like the look of for simply being outdoors, and charge them under some vague Coronavirus lockdown guideline. And if they still can’t, they’ll just make something up, as a bent psychopath was caught explicitly threatening to do so on camera last week.

Due to the video going viral, and already mounting public disquiet over the heavy handed policing during the lockdown, the bent psychopath’s bent psychopathic superiors were forced into making a hollow apology through gritted teeth.

Such scenes must be repeated a hundred times a day without the fortune of somebody having the sense to record the encounter. Or rather, most bent psychopaths aren’t as thick as pig shit to blatantly admit to the intent to ‘make something up’. They just make something up.

And they’ve been making a lot up about me.

If you’ve read any of my other posts here, and made any sense of it, you’ll understand I’ve been alleging that the British police have been pursuing a personal vendetta against me (likely to avoid a scandal in the first place), which clearly constitutes torture and likely attempted murder, involving hundreds or thousands of members of the public. Assisted by their almost equally bent psychopathic colleagues in a dozen other European countries (every country I’ve visited since this began).

I’ve already admitted that I once suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, In fact, the ostensible ‘justification’ for this torture on the part of the police, appears to be my behavior over 12 years ago when I was suffering a mental health relapse (I strongly supsect deliberately provoked by the police themselves in order that they could ‘get rid of me’ and avoid a scandal).

So you might be thinking – ‘well hang on. This person admits he’s a (former) paranoid schizophrenic, so odds are he’s likely just suffering a delusion to start with. But even if the police could be so extraordinarily bent as to pursue a vendetta like that against a disabled individual for over a decade, surely they couldn’t get thousands of members of the public to take part in it?’.

Well, yes, as I also admitted in a recent post, in thirteen or so years of this, I’ve never really once encountered a member of the public – from a security guard, to a cashier etc. – seemingly expressing any doubt or sympathy. Sometimes it appears that security guards or others (and police officers, especially at Lavender Hill Police Station) have indicated that they might be aware that they could get into legal trouble, but never any sympathy of the kind of – ‘we really shouldn’t be doing this to some guy who is mentally ill’.

For example, in a Costa Coffee shop somewhere in Canterbury last year, which I’d only been in several times but on each occasion, right from the start, got the usual immediate apparent recognition and consequent abuse, which involved the staff very sarcastically saying ‘you’re welcome’ over 5 seconds after serving me (and over 5 seconds after I’d politely thanked them), they noticed that I was calmly and discreetly recording them (serving me) on my smartphone. Immediately, they suddenly looked a little panicked and served me VERY politely. Even telling me to have a nice day as I walked out and looking again panicked when I didn’t reply.

So how could the police so easily get members of the public to bully and torment a disabled member of the public like myself?

I think two things.

1/ They have obviously lied about me and convinced those members of the public that I’m a very bad man, who deserves this. (not that, if only from a legal point of view, any human being, however ‘bad’, could deserve to be psychologically tortured on such a sadistic scale as this).
And 2/ They have equally convinced them that this isn’t torture, or even ‘punishment’, but rather some kind of ‘therapy’ that is helping me.

You don’t need to be aware of the infamous Stanford Experiment to know that the average person is capable of great cruelty if he or she feels they have been given the ‘right’ to inflict it (from an authority figure).

Presumably, the bent psychopaths are not telling shop assistants, in for example Boots, that I am a paranoid schizophrenic who over a dozen years ago mumbled aggressively in a small number of shops and restaurants in the West End when being put under enormous pressure by them (the police), and that for 13 years since I have been deliberately gaslighted by them in 13 different countries.

Or at least I hope not.

Presumably, they are telling them (or telling the security guards who then tell the cashiers etc.) something along the lines of – ‘he’s a nutter who doesn’t like security guards looking at him, or cashiers saying ‘you’re welcome’ to him after serving him. So it’s really important you don’t let this bullying nutter stop you replying ‘you’re welcome’ to him when serving him. It’s important (to security guards) that you don’t stop watching him when he comes into your shop. We can’t let this nutter bully thousands of security guards and police from doing their jobs across Europe.

So the consequence is, I’ll walk into a Boots store where I’ve never set foot in before in my life, and the TSS security guard on duty will immediately recognize me, clench their fists or fold their arms, stand intently watching me as I get served, and the cashier will also recognize me (sometimes, or at least on my second visit after the security guard has pointed me out), and exaggeratedly say ‘you’re welcome’ in a weird and inappropriate manner to me (if you think this sounds crazy, I have hidden camera footage of this actually happening repeatedly, over a span of 13 years). If I then look slightly agitated, frightened, or upset by this, then it proves I’m a ‘nutter’ who doesn’t like being looked at by security guards, or served oddly by cashiers, and that it’s perfectly right and legal that the police/security guards continue to point me out in this manner to hundreds of stores and restaurants (and ALWAYS denied by customer care).

And who are they going to believe?

A police officer, or a ‘nutter’?

Police Hunt Pair Who ‘Licked Food’ In Sainsburys

For over 12 years, I’ve been pointed out to security guards in dozens of Sainsburys supermarkets.

And not just security guards, but cashiers, managers, and such. (I assume in most cases, it’s the security guards pointing me out to non-security staff).

As a result of this, I get bullied, harrassed, tormented, even physically threatened by these staff, at dozens of Sainsburys stores around the UK. This started 12 years ago and it’s still taking place. For example, I visited Sainsburys in Southend for the first time in my life last year, and immediately the security guards ‘recognized me’ and began mocking me in a way suggesting that they found it funny that I was a nutter they’d been told about who ‘ didn’t like being looked at by security guards’.

Countless complaints to Sainsburys Customer Care only result in denials it is taking place AND then threats and intimidation by guards and managers at the stores in question. In fact, Sainsburys hasn’t replied to a complaint of mine for over five years.

And my life was a living torture as a result of suffering from paranoid schizophrenia BEFORE this.

As said, given that it is always denied that this is taken place (and likewise in other stores, restaurants etc.) I cannot know exactly the reason for it, other than I obviously pissed off the Met Police, apparently because they felt I ‘humiliated them’.

I know that this started 12 years ago, during a mental health crisis, in which I very regrettably mumbled ‘threats’ in a few supermarkets and restaurants in the West End of London and Battersea. On one occasion, a police officer was called and seemed hesitant to arrest me.

But never Sainsburys.

The other day I read the sickening story of two yobs who went into a Sainsburys store in Morecambe, and
licked their hands before wiping them over meat, fresh food and fridge handles.

Now, my first thought to this is that no punishment on Earth would be too harsh for these sickos.

But, hey. We do live in a civilized society. This is the 21st century. This pair need to be arrested, put in front of a court, and given the correct sentence. In any case, it doesn’t matter what I or you think. The police can’t take them to the station and give them a battering with the CCTV conveniently malfunctioning. If they did, and the truth came out, those police officers would be serving many years in prison. And anti-torture charities and legal firms would be scrambling over each other to help get those police officers put away and off the streets.

Similarly, I doubt very much if after these two (hopefully) are caught and serve their time, they will be pointed out for the rest of their lives to security guards at every supermarket store in the UK and abroad. And if that did happen, and they both turned out to be mentally ill paranoid schizophrenics acting out of madness, then it would be torture – as much as if they had been taken down the station and given a beating.

Yet I’ve been subjected to the most sadistic gaslighting and psychological torture it’s virtually possible to put a fellow human being through for over a decade. And this has/is involving not just one or two bad apples in the Met police force, but literally hundreds or thousands of them, not including their colleagues in 13 different European countries, not including the thousands of security guards, and thousands of ordinary members of the public such as shop assistants, that they have directly involved in it. It’s hardly credible that this could have taken place without the knowledge of the Chief Commissioner of the Met Cressida Dick, AND her four predecessors.

Even if I did break any law during my mental health relapse 13 years ago, I was literally out of my mind and so would expect I would not have had mens rea at the time. And yet the police are extra-judiciously torturing me for this nearly 13 years later, in 12 different countries, and presumably they intend to continue until I die (which I assume they are hoping will be through suicide soon, or equally likely one of the security firms I have been forced to make legal threats against has me killed).

And yet there appears NOTHING whatsoever I can do about any of this, and none of these bent psychopaths will ever face a court of law.

The Biggest Scandal In The History Of The Met Police

A recap.

Who Am I?

I am British citizen currently living in Europe.

In my mid-twenties, whilst studying at university in London, I became ill with paranoid thoughts and required a brief hospitalization. In the decades since, I slowly recovered to the point where I have been able to lead an independent, self-sufficient, albeit solitary life. This, despite what has happened to me over the last 12 years or more.

What has happened to me?

For over 12 years, the Met Police have been pursuing a personal vendetta against myself, on account of apparently ’embarassing’ them while I was suffering from something of a mental health relapse, itself caused (likely deliberately) by them.

As brief as I can be – for over 12 years the Met Police and their colleagues in 13 different countries have been pointing me out to thousands of security guards and police officers, as well as non-security staff in shops, restaurants etc across the UK and Europe, whilst deliberately leaving me in doubt that this is happening. They have done this, and are continuing to do this, not in spite of the fact that my life had already been destroyed by schizophrenia, but because of that fact, and the knowledge that this will cause myself – the victim of it – extreme psychological pain and distress, and likely, eventually result in my suicide or my losing possession of my mind and grasp of reality altogether.

Isn’t It Possible I’m Just Suffering From Another Delusion?

I have subjected my belief systems as regards this matter to rigorous reality checking. I have repeatedly gone through all the techniques learnt through countless hours of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Moreover, I have reality tested my beliefs, and interpretations of my experiences, through the use of a hidden camera, and the resulting video matches my experiences and my interpretations of those experiences.

Aside from that, for this to be a delusion on my part, would require me to be having visual and auditory hallucinations practically daily and consistently for over a decade. Even when I was hospitalized 30 years ago, a period in which I can now certainly see I was very ill, I never experienced either visual or auditory hallucinations, but rather simply paranoid and irrational thoughts.

Over the last 12 to 13 years this has been taking place, I have experienced no delusional or paranoid thoughts unrelated to the belief that the Met Police are pursuing a vendetta against me.

Furthermore, despite the belief that I am being persecuted by the Met Police, I have managed to remain very stable, to be successfully self-employed, to stay physically healthy, and to pursue other successful projects etc.

Am I Sure That The Police Are Even Acting Ilegally?

Yes I’m sure. Despite the fact that I have sought professional legal advice, been told by one lawyer that ‘he doesn’t see how I have a case against the State’, and by two leading British legal firms that specialize in claims of malpractice against the police, that my case is ‘too complex’.

This is not simply a case of keeping somebody under surveillance that they have a genuine belief may be a suspected criminal or a danger to the public (leaving aside they don’t even have the resources to track known jihadists and the like). For over 12 years they have been pointing me out to not only security guards in shops and other places in 13 different countries, but also clearly encouraging those security guards to point me out to cashiers and the like. And in no way a professional manner out of necessity. These guards have clearly been instructed to abuse, mock, intimidate, and threaten me, and to likewise encourage non-security staff on their premises to do the same. How could it possibly be legal to do this to somebody already suffering from paranoid schizophrenia for 13 years, to never let the person ‘under surveillance’ to ‘know’ that he is, and further, to apparently intimidate and threaten me as a result of my making complaints about this?

If this had been done to an ordinary member of the public, it would be clearly torture. To do it to paranoid schizophrenic it’s not just torture, it’s attempted murder on the part of the Met Police.

Again – it’s attempted murder on the part of the Met Police.

Further, I believe that the Met Police deliberately pushed me into a mental health breakdown, that involved me mumbling ‘threats’ in a number of shops and elsewhere, in order that they could pursue this ‘surveillance’ (i.e. torture me for the rest of my life). It certainly seems that over the last 12 years, and currently, this continued ‘surveillance’ is being legally justified, because I get agitated or upset by it. NEVER ONCE VIOLENT. Never so much as shouting. Simply because I walk into a shop I’ve never visited before in my life, and I see that the security guard immediately recognizes me and folds his arms whilst staring at me, and I then look slightly agitated by this, and perhaps then make a complaint online to the customer care of the store in question. (who will then either ignore the complaint, reply back and tell me that it didn’t happen, and in either case the next time I visit the store, I would be abused and intimidated even worse).

In other words, the Met Police deliberately engineered a situation in which they could justify putting me under this industrial scale surveillance that even genocidal Jihadists and the like do not suffer, and continue justifying it because I get a little agitated by it. All the while, carefully and deliberately ensuring that I – a paranoid schizophrenic – can’t be 100% certain that this is happening. For at least 12 years now, in 13 different countries, with no sign it will ever end.

Again – this isn’t just clearly torture on the part of the Metropolitan police and their colleagues in 13 different countries and counting, acting on their behalf. It’s attempted murder through the use of extrajudicial torture.

How Is Torture Defined By The United Nations?

The UK and every country in Europe has ratified the United Nations Convention Against Torture, which prohibits torture in its member states, and was defined by the Convention thus :

1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term “torture” means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.

Giles York Chief Constable of Sussex Police to step down

Well waddaya know?

Giles York QPM has been the most senior police officer in the county since 2014, police said.

A police spokesman said Mr York has been a ‘leading light nationally’ in promoting equality in the policing locally and nationally. He is currently Vice Chair of the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC), the national body representing the country’s most senior police officers.

He was awarded the Queen’s Police Medal for services to policing in the New Year’s Honours in 2015.

Making the announcement, he said: “It has been an absolute privilege to have been a police officer for more than 30 years, to have worked with so many fantastic, hard-working, loyal and selfless people, and an honour to have protected and served the public.

According to provision 1 of section 134 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 :

A public official or person acting in an official capacity, whatever his nationality, commits the offence of torture if in the United Kingdom or elsewhere he intentionally inflicts severe pain or suffering on another in the performance or purported performance of his official duties.

Provision 3 makes it clear that this includes psychological torture.

(3)It is immaterial whether the pain or suffering is physical or mental and whether it is caused by an act or an omission.

Provision 6 states that the maximum sentence for a public official who engages in torture, is life in prison.

A person who commits the offence of torture shall be liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for life.