Child Abusing Security Guard (G4S) Churchill Square Brighton

Last summer, on the same UK trip in which I visited Hastings and Eastbourne, I spent one day in Brighton.

I’ve been to this city many times over the last couple of decades, and regularly visit the Chrchill Square shopping center to have something to eat or shop in the WH Smiths. Like everywhere else, the staff there have been mocking my allegations of torture for most of those years. When eating in the food courtyard, or whenever I go into a shop with a security guard, a security guard will stand watching me with a smirk on his face, and whenever I look over at him, theatrically look upward etc. One middle-aged female guard there is particularly sadistic, and on several occasions came out of the center while I was sitting outside by the entrance, looked me up and down theatrically, then went back in smirking or laughing. (Update August 2023 – she still is working there, and I managed to take a photograph of it).

Churchill Square Brighton security guard

I have made several complaints to Churchill Square (via their online form) and each time I did not receive a reply. I once asked the visitor information desk who their security firm is, and they refused to tell me. It is G4S – the same company which delibrately tried to run me over (I literally had to jump out of the way) in the Czech city of Brno a decade or so ago.

On this occasion, a distinctive grey haired (possibly) male individual, who has worked there for several years, and as with the other staff, and thousands of security guards across Europe for 15 years, mocked my allegations of torture as myself ‘not liking to be looked at’, was on duty. And I had one of the most disturbing experiences of all of these years with a security guard.

Three times during this visit of around an hour, this individual made a very theatrical point of looking at very young girls, and then looking at his or her watch. This happened on three separate occasions in that hour as I passed him, each time with (I think) different girls. On the third occasion, two girls who looked about 12 or 13, very much noticed it and were clearly very much creeped out by it.

I later managed to take a photo of him or her. I will publish it here later. (Update August 2023 – he or she does not appear to work at the Churchill Square center anymore).

Given the particular sadism of security guards in Brighton, it’s no surprise to me that the infamous ‘Brighton Cat Killer‘ worked as a security guard.