Daniel Morgan, Max Paws – Do I Really Have Any Chance?

Recently I posted an article entitled – ‘The biggest scandal in the history of the Met Police‘.

The Met Police have been torturing me for at least around 13 years. Exploiting my past diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, both through causing me maximum psychological pain AND in the knowledge that it will be very difficult for me to be believed.

They have been pointing me out (with the help of their colleagues) to security guards in 13 different countries in all that time. Not just pointing me out, but encouraging those security guards to mock and abuse me, belittle my allegations of torture as myself ‘not liking to be looked at’, and presumably encouraging those security guards to encourage non-security staff in shops, at shopping centers etc. to likewise bully me. All the while this being explicitly denied by the security guards etc., and the companies who employ them, such as Boots and Sainsbury’s.

I’ve always tried to keep some faith, that sooner or later, somebody will believe me, somebody will realize that this is beyond some minor police corruption, that the torture of a mentally disabled individual, and apparent conspiracy to murder through that torture, involving not only the Met Police, but other police forces in the UK such as Sussex Police, as well as at least 12 other police forces in Europe, as well as hundreds or thousands of ordinary members of the public, is something that just..well. does cross a line somewhat for a civilized country in the 21st century.

And then BOOM! The biggest scandal in the history of the Metropolitan Police and a number of the dirty, bent psychopaths, presumably chief commissioners among them, will go to prison, perhaps for life.

But I’m really starting to lose faith even in this.

As also pointed out in another post, I’ve appealed to anti-torture charities, I’ve appealed to legal firms (that specialize in police misconduct cases), I’ve made countless complaints to firms such as Sainsburys, Tesco, Boots and others. And it’s not simply always a case that I wasn’t believed (as I expected), but that they – including the anti-torture charities and the legal firms – don’t seem to see any issue.

So the Met Police and their colleagues in 12 other countries have been gaslighting a paranoid schizophrenic for 13 years, involved hundreds or thousands of members of the public in this, made threats and intimidated the victim in order to keep quiet, and don’t appear to have any intention of stopping until the victim has either lost his mind or committed suicide, and this is a problem? Yawn.

Recently I came across a video uploaded by a YouTuber called ‘Max Paws’. He’s one of a number of anti-police corruption YouTubers who pisses the boys in blue off by filming them in public and standing his ground with a knowledge of his rights.

Except in his case, the boys in blue didn’t just get annoyed. They really do appear to have framed him and arbitarily arrested him.

It’s hard to be certain from the video, but it does appear that at worst, he nudged past the police officer, for which he was immediately arrested for ‘assault’ – already being known to the two officers as that annoying YouTuber who films them.

The video, two months old, appears to have a lot of views, but for what clearly seems an example of British police officers caught framing a member of the public for assault, simply for annoying them filming them and accusing them of corruption, it hasn’t gone viral as you might expect. Why aren’t the papers and media all over this?

A couple of years ago I was walking through Eastbourne and a ‘business warden’ (who have been given police powers) was walking in my direction. Apparently recognizing me, as he had the day before, he had a look of fury on his face as he glared at me. I moved to the side, but it wasn’t enough as he made no attempt to alter his course and barged right into me. Obviously he was wearing a thick or padded jacket, he was also much bigger than me, and I felt the impact on my shoulder. He actually did cause me pain, which took a few minutes to subside.

Easbourne business wardens

The individual was not either of the two Eastbourne Business wardens in the above photo.

Last summer, on another visit to Eastbourne, two business wardens explicitly claimed not to have any knowledge of me, and I was led out of the Beacon shopping center by the manager ‘Chris’ for ‘making allegations against his security staff’.

Can The Police Get Away With What They Have Done To Me?

Another case I came across recently has left me feeling pretty hopeless, as well as even more in fear of my life from the bent psychopaths.

The case of Daniel Morgan, an investigative journalist exposing police corruption, who was murdered with an axe, and several people then framed for it by the very bent psychopaths who had previously threatened to have Daniel Morgan murdered, is quite painful to read.


If you can read that, and then doubt that the police in the UK are not capable of deliberately gaslighting a paranoid schizophrenic, for the purpose of inflicting pain on that person through his mental illness, as well as in the smug knowledge that it will be very difficult for him to be believed, then I don’t know what to say.

Certainly it has made me realize what kind of danger I am in. Apparently, as well as framing him, the police sued the YouTuber ‘Max Paws’ for slander for writing bad things about them. They wont sue me for slander, because they know if this comes to court it will indeed become the biggest scandal in the history of the Met Police. They have already issued take down notices to YouTube and apparently had certain pages delisted from Google and Bing, but in the end they will likely just kill me. They are probably hoping they wont have to do that, instead preferring that I’m either driven into suicide, I lose my mind completely, or one of the dozens of security firms they’ve involved in my torture (including Eastern European security firms), who they are then inciting that I am ‘threatening them’ with legal action, will eventually have me killed.

And again – it appears there is absolutely nothing I can do about any of this.