During a recent return to London, I risked having a quick cup of tea in the Starbucks in the Fulham Broadway shopping center. On this occasion, a Mark Adedji CIS security guard did not position himself opposite to ‘not watch me’ while theatrically looking up at the ceiling and then pointing me out as a ‘nutter’ to a member of the public. Not quite, anyway. Nor did a Neil Catton CIS security guard follow me in to the public toilets after the Starbucks toilet was closed (actually, on this occasion the toilets in the center were closed). No, this time a Neil Catton security guard (photographed above the next day) stood outside the entrance with his back turned to me. A few moments later, a woman approached him, briefly exchanged words and came in to the Starbucks (while I was sitting down drinking) and stood in the queue. She held a smartphone in her hand, and not very subtly, she kept pointing it at me, whilst smirking. At one point, she even had her arms bent at a very awkward angle with the smartphone facing me. After being served her coffee, she went outside and spoke to the security guard, then both went on their seperate ways.
I wonder what he plans to use with his photo of me? Hopefully something that doesn’t involve the triggering of a court case that will result in his bosses Mark Adedji and Neil Catton, going to prison for the illegal torture they have inflicted upon me, not to mention of course, likely dozens of senior police officers. Perhaps he is ‘showing me how it feels’?? Well I’d like to induce in him the devastating mental illness of paranoid schizophrenia, then have security guards and staff in shopping centers, shops, restaurants, and cafes in 13 different countries for the rest of his life gaslight him so that he doesn’t know whether he is insane or not. No actually, even though that would be ‘showing him what it feels like’ for me, and what I’ve had to endure for nearly 2 decades, I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy, because unlike them, I’m not a sadistic psychopathic animal.
BTW, as in hundreds of other cafes, restaurants etc in London, the UK, and Europe, it appears that I have been pointed out by security guards/the police to the staff in that Starbucks, as the staff there often serve me very strangely and in the same way as countless others, for example saying ‘you’re welcome’ extremely sarcastically 10 seconds after serving me and then laughing.
*** UPDATE for the last month (mid Feb to mid March) I returned to London on account of my dying elderly mother. Incredibly, it did appear to me that the Met Police and Mark Adedji actually intruded on my private grief, by informing the security guards at Fulham Broadway of this. Even worse, I saw the transgender security guard who stands at the entrence of Wilkos in the Fulham Broadway appear to be talking to a woman about me as I sat in Starbucks, with the woman looking over at me in apparent sympathy.
As regards the CIS security guard in the above photo, on one of the days I used the broadway on this trip, he and a colleague stood at the bottom of the escalators, alternatively glaring very agressively at me, and looking up the escalators. I will publish a longer post about my recent experiences in London, but for the moment I am still processing and grieving the death of my mother.