Ibis Hotel Earls Court And Situation In London

I’ve been back in London for 7 days. I don’t want to dwell on what has been happening thus far, I want to obtain some small enjoyment from spending Christmas with my elderly cancer survivor mother.

It does appear the subhuman sadistic perverted Met Police pigs have indeed pointed me out to the security guards at the Ibis hotel Earls Court I am staying at. This is obvious not because they are standing watching me enter the lift etc, but that in complete contrast to my last visit, they are not doing those things, and appear very much trying to avoid ‘watching me’. Given that I made no complaint about the security guar’ds behaviour last time, other than describing it on this blog (without naming the hotel), there can be no other explanation that the subhuman pigs must have and are continuing to point me out to them.

What Should I Do Now?

As said, I want to ‘enjoy’ Christmas as best I can. In the New Year I will :

Finally send the letter to Greg Hands. The bent subhuman psychopathic pigs clearly see the fact that I have been ‘threatening’ to for over a year, and still haven’t, as a sign of weakness.

Secondly, contact the Law Society and ask if there is one individual in the country who might have concerns about the Metropolitan police extra-judiciously torturing a mentally disabled member of the public for 13 years, a crime under the Criminal Justice Act of 1988 that carries a life sentence, involving hundreds or thousands of members of the public directly in this, involving thousands of police, security guards, and members of the public in 12 other countries in this?