After finally, and grudgingly getting rid of the evil and incompetent Cressida Dick, the Met Police have chosen a man named Sir Mark Rowley as their new king of the stye. I will be spending a couple of weeks in London shortly. Of course, it will be interesting to see if there is any change in the behaviour of the police towards me there. Will I still be pointed out to security guards? Will over half of the police cars that pass me in Fulham and West London theatrically laugh when they see me etc.? In other words, will this be a clean break from the past, after nearly 15 years, or will Sir Mark Rowley get his leadership of the Met Police off to a grand start by instantly criminalizing himself under the Criminal Justic Act of 1988, and thereby face the possibility for the rest of his career, and life (like his three predecessors), of being convicted and sentenced to a possible life imprisonment?
I intend to contact the Law Society before I get there. I will also print out and put in a stamped and addressed envelope my letter to the the Right Honourable Greg Hands, and post it if there is no change regarding my illegal torture.
Meanwhile, I just returned from a week in Germany. For the first time in nearly 15 years, I felt a definite change. Quite a few police officers, even in the centers of the two cities I visited, did not appear to recognize me. Similarly, with security guards in the big department stores. I have visited Germany quite a few times since this began in 2008, and as you might expect given that nation’s history of sadism, the pigs in Germany have been among the very worst of all the countries I have visited.