Rejection By GT Stewart Solicitors Over Request For Help In Legal Action Against Met Police (2018)

Here is the reply I received on September 3rd 2018 from Natalie Acheampong of GT Stewart – ‘a renowned multiservice law firm’ that supposedly specializes in human rights.

Dear Mr. XXXXX

Re: Your enquiry regarding a possible complaint/claim against the police

You contacted us recently to ask whether we could assist you with a potential claim against the police. Regrettably, due to existing pressure of work this department would be unable to devote the time needed for your potential claim and we are sorry that we cannot help on this occasion.

You may wish to call the Community Legal Services Direct service on 0845 345 4345 or the Law Society on 0207 242 1222. They may be able to help you in finding a suitable firm of solicitors that can assist you with your matter should you wish to find another solicitor whom specialises in this kind of claim.

Thank you for your interest in this firm.

Kind regards,

Natalie Acheampong

Off the top of my head, I’d say at least 100 different businesses have played a direct role in my torture over a number of years, quite a number of them – including the likes of Tesco, Marks & Spencers, Securitas etc, in more than one different country. Presumably, if this ever came to court, I would be eligible for vast sums from every one of them (not that this is of the slightest motivation to see it brought to court – just pointing out that any legal firm that took up my case would certainly be financially rewarded.).