Seville Airport Paedophile Passport Border Officer 6th January 2020

Joining the queue at passport control at Seville airport, a fat male border officer appeared to instantly recognize me and make a point of showing it. In front of me were a couple with two small boys of 5 or 6. The border officer stared at them fixedly with a creepy look on his face before looking at me again. When my turn came and it was his counter that was free, he gave a theatrical shake of his head as to day ‘oh no, why me’, then barked ‘Hola’ aggressively at me.

Yes, he’s the victim here, not the mentally disabled individual that he and his colleagues in 13 different countries have been brutally gaslighting and torturing for over a decade now.

I showed him my passport, he made a theatrical look of disgust while staring directly at me. When I met his eye contact assuredly to show I wasn’t going to be intimidated by bent psychopaths like him any more, he looked like he was going to jump from his booth and hit me. As he passed me back my passport he said something and I ignored him and went on my way. The fat sadistic paedophile then aggressively waved his hand in the air.

Going though Gatwick security on the way to Seville was uneventful, after being harassed and intimidated there in a similar fashion to above for over a decade on every visit. It appears I’m still being pointed out to every security guard, but they’ve obviously been told not to abuse me. Finally sinking in perhaps that some of the bent psychopaths are going to be serving life in prison soon.

So…ten days in Spain, my first ever time in Seville, let’s see how this goes. Tomorrow, El Cortes Ingles, where I’ve been pointed out to security guards in every city in Spain I’ve visited for the last 11 years or more. Should be interesting.