A recap.
Who Am I?
I am British citizen currently living in Europe.
In my mid-twenties, whilst studying at university in London, I became ill with paranoid thoughts and required a brief hospitalization. In the decades since, I slowly recovered to the point where I have been able to lead an independent, self-sufficient, albeit solitary life. This, despite what has happened to me over the last 12 years or more.
What has happened to me?
For over 12 years, the Met Police have been pursuing a personal vendetta against myself, on account of apparently ’embarassing’ them while I was suffering from something of a mental health relapse, itself caused (likely deliberately) by them.
As brief as I can be – for over 12 years the Met Police and their colleagues in 13 different countries have been pointing me out to thousands of security guards and police officers, as well as non-security staff in shops, restaurants etc across the UK and Europe, whilst deliberately leaving me in doubt that this is happening. They have done this, and are continuing to do this, not in spite of the fact that my life had already been destroyed by schizophrenia, but because of that fact, and the knowledge that this will cause myself – the victim of it – extreme psychological pain and distress, and likely, eventually result in my suicide or my losing possession of my mind and grasp of reality altogether.
Isn’t It Possible I’m Just Suffering From Another Delusion?
I have subjected my belief systems as regards this matter to rigorous reality checking. I have repeatedly gone through all the techniques learnt through countless hours of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Moreover, I have reality tested my beliefs, and interpretations of my experiences, through the use of a hidden camera, and the resulting video matches my experiences and my interpretations of those experiences.
Aside from that, for this to be a delusion on my part, would require me to be having visual and auditory hallucinations practically daily and consistently for over a decade. Even when I was hospitalized 30 years ago, a period in which I can now certainly see I was very ill, I never experienced either visual or auditory hallucinations, but rather simply paranoid and irrational thoughts.
Over the last 12 to 13 years this has been taking place, I have experienced no delusional or paranoid thoughts unrelated to the belief that the Met Police are pursuing a vendetta against me.
Furthermore, despite the belief that I am being persecuted by the Met Police, I have managed to remain very stable, to be successfully self-employed, to stay physically healthy, and to pursue other successful projects etc.
Am I Sure That The Police Are Even Acting Ilegally?
Yes I’m sure. Despite the fact that I have sought professional legal advice, been told by one lawyer that ‘he doesn’t see how I have a case against the State’, and by two leading British legal firms that specialize in claims of malpractice against the police, that my case is ‘too complex’.
This is not simply a case of keeping somebody under surveillance that they have a genuine belief may be a suspected criminal or a danger to the public (leaving aside they don’t even have the resources to track known jihadists and the like). For over 12 years they have been pointing me out to not only security guards in shops and other places in 13 different countries, but also clearly encouraging those security guards to point me out to cashiers and the like. And in no way a professional manner out of necessity. These guards have clearly been instructed to abuse, mock, intimidate, and threaten me, and to likewise encourage non-security staff on their premises to do the same. How could it possibly be legal to do this to somebody already suffering from paranoid schizophrenia for 13 years, to never let the person ‘under surveillance’ to ‘know’ that he is, and further, to apparently intimidate and threaten me as a result of my making complaints about this?
If this had been done to an ordinary member of the public, it would be clearly torture. To do it to paranoid schizophrenic it’s not just torture, it’s attempted murder on the part of the Met Police.
Again – it’s attempted murder on the part of the Met Police.
Further, I believe that the Met Police deliberately pushed me into a mental health breakdown, that involved me mumbling ‘threats’ in a number of shops and elsewhere, in order that they could pursue this ‘surveillance’ (i.e. torture me for the rest of my life). It certainly seems that over the last 12 years, and currently, this continued ‘surveillance’ is being legally justified, because I get agitated or upset by it. NEVER ONCE VIOLENT. Never so much as shouting. Simply because I walk into a shop I’ve never visited before in my life, and I see that the security guard immediately recognizes me and folds his arms whilst staring at me, and I then look slightly agitated by this, and perhaps then make a complaint online to the customer care of the store in question. (who will then either ignore the complaint, reply back and tell me that it didn’t happen, and in either case the next time I visit the store, I would be abused and intimidated even worse).
In other words, the Met Police deliberately engineered a situation in which they could justify putting me under this industrial scale surveillance that even genocidal Jihadists and the like do not suffer, and continue justifying it because I get a little agitated by it. All the while, carefully and deliberately ensuring that I – a paranoid schizophrenic – can’t be 100% certain that this is happening. For at least 12 years now, in 13 different countries, with no sign it will ever end.
Again – this isn’t just clearly torture on the part of the Metropolitan police and their colleagues in 13 different countries and counting, acting on their behalf. It’s attempted murder through the use of extrajudicial torture.
How Is Torture Defined By The United Nations?
The UK and every country in Europe has ratified the United Nations Convention Against Torture, which prohibits torture in its member states, and was defined by the Convention thus :
1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term “torture” means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.