TSS – Total Security Services – is the company that provides most of the security for Boots in the UK.
For over 12 years, I’ve been pointed out to every security guard at every Boots store I’ve visited.
This has been denied by Boots, who no longer even reply to my complaints.
I’ve also been pointed out in dozens of Boots stores to staff such as cashiers, whether by the security guards or by police officers directly, I have no idea.
Not just that, but in virtually every store, the security guard will actually mock me for…not liking this.
And in many Boots stores, so will the cashiers.
And this is because of the Metropolitan Police (and Sussex Police and others) have been pursuing a vendetta against myself, that has involved this very deliberate and very, very illegal psychological extra-judicial torture of the most extreme kind – performed with the cowardly conviction that I will never be believed – for over a decade now.
Recently, for the first time in my life, I walked into a Boots store (in Hastings, Priory Meadow Shopping Center) to record this behavior with a hidden camera. And I did just that. I had visited that store only a handful of times previously. I had noticed odd behavior from the cashiers, such as behaving in a manner indicating they apparently recognized me and were uncomfortable serving me (and bizarrely eager to say thank you when serving me, just like in dozens of other Boots stores over the last 12 years). On previous visits, there had been no security guard there, but on this three day trip to Hastings, there was a TSS security guard there each visit. He too, appeared to recognize me as soon as he saw me, and became increasingly agitated with each visit. On my third visit, after checking out of my hotel, I went to get some snacks for the train journey back to London. I concealed a hidden camera in my back pocket, so when I recorded him, I had my back to him.
The resulting video not only shows him clearly constantly looking at me, but while he’s doing this he’s talking to a Boots (perfume) shop assistant, who then also looks at me and laughs.
I uploaded this to YouTube, and just a couple of weeks later, after less than 100 views, it was taken down as a result of a privacy complaint. YouTube/Google did not inform me of the issuer of the complaint, but the allegation of privacy breach related to the entire video, and only the security guard is visible throughout the uploaded video. Presumably TSS (Total Security Services) made the complaint. The same company that has been pointing me out – somebody whose life had already been devastated by paranoid schizophrenia – to hundreds of their security guards in not only dozens of Boots stores, but also Tesco and God knows where else, for over a decade. Not only pointing me out, but encouraging their security guards to mock me, bully me, threaten me, and those security guards to encourage the same behaviour in non-security staff in Boots and Tesco, as apparently seen in the video. And dozens of complaints to Boots and Tesco has only resulted in even worse bullying, and a complete denial that any of this is taking place (outside of my mind).
Again, after seeing that my video had been taken down, I felt suicidal, and utterly hopeless and powerless. I had the worst couple of days afterwards I’ve had in years.
Yet I’m still here. And it’s 100% certain that TSS Total Security Services and the police officers who have advised them over the years, are going to face a court of law one day, likely not too far away, and they’ll finally face justice. I will never, never give up until that day comes and some of these bent psychopathic sadists are serving life in prison.