The one good thing coming out of the cornoavirus crisis, is that it may be opening the public’s eyes to just how dishonest, power mad, corrupt, bent, and psychopathic the police in the UK really are.
Of course, virtually every policeman in Britain has been dreaming of this day when the entire population is under something close to house arrest, and they can stop and question ANYONE they don’t like the look of for simply being outdoors, and charge them under some vague Coronavirus lockdown guideline. And if they still can’t, they’ll just make something up, as a bent psychopath was caught explicitly threatening to do so on camera last week.
Due to the video going viral, and already mounting public disquiet over the heavy handed policing during the lockdown, the bent psychopath’s bent psychopathic superiors were forced into making a hollow apology through gritted teeth.
Such scenes must be repeated a hundred times a day without the fortune of somebody having the sense to record the encounter. Or rather, most bent psychopaths aren’t as thick as pig shit to blatantly admit to the intent to ‘make something up’. They just make something up.
And they’ve been making a lot up about me.
If you’ve read any of my other posts here, and made any sense of it, you’ll understand I’ve been alleging that the British police have been pursuing a personal vendetta against me (likely to avoid a scandal in the first place), which clearly constitutes torture and likely attempted murder, involving hundreds or thousands of members of the public. Assisted by their almost equally bent psychopathic colleagues in a dozen other European countries (every country I’ve visited since this began).
I’ve already admitted that I once suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, In fact, the ostensible ‘justification’ for this torture on the part of the police, appears to be my behavior over 12 years ago when I was suffering a mental health relapse (I strongly supsect deliberately provoked by the police themselves in order that they could ‘get rid of me’ and avoid a scandal).
So you might be thinking – ‘well hang on. This person admits he’s a (former) paranoid schizophrenic, so odds are he’s likely just suffering a delusion to start with. But even if the police could be so extraordinarily bent as to pursue a vendetta like that against a disabled individual for over a decade, surely they couldn’t get thousands of members of the public to take part in it?’.
Well, yes, as I also admitted in a recent post, in thirteen or so years of this, I’ve never really once encountered a member of the public – from a security guard, to a cashier etc. – seemingly expressing any doubt or sympathy. Sometimes it appears that security guards or others (and police officers, especially at Lavender Hill Police Station) have indicated that they might be aware that they could get into legal trouble, but never any sympathy of the kind of – ‘we really shouldn’t be doing this to some guy who is mentally ill’.
For example, in a Costa Coffee shop somewhere in Canterbury last year, which I’d only been in several times but on each occasion, right from the start, got the usual immediate apparent recognition and consequent abuse, which involved the staff very sarcastically saying ‘you’re welcome’ over 5 seconds after serving me (and over 5 seconds after I’d politely thanked them), they noticed that I was calmly and discreetly recording them (serving me) on my smartphone. Immediately, they suddenly looked a little panicked and served me VERY politely. Even telling me to have a nice day as I walked out and looking again panicked when I didn’t reply.
So how could the police so easily get members of the public to bully and torment a disabled member of the public like myself?
I think two things.
1/ They have obviously lied about me and convinced those members of the public that I’m a very bad man, who deserves this. (not that, if only from a legal point of view, any human being, however ‘bad’, could deserve to be psychologically tortured on such a sadistic scale as this).
And 2/ They have equally convinced them that this isn’t torture, or even ‘punishment’, but rather some kind of ‘therapy’ that is helping me.
You don’t need to be aware of the infamous Stanford Experiment to know that the average person is capable of great cruelty if he or she feels they have been given the ‘right’ to inflict it (from an authority figure).
Presumably, the bent psychopaths are not telling shop assistants, in for example Boots, that I am a paranoid schizophrenic who over a dozen years ago mumbled aggressively in a small number of shops and restaurants in the West End when being put under enormous pressure by them (the police), and that for 13 years since I have been deliberately gaslighted by them in 13 different countries.
Or at least I hope not.
Presumably, they are telling them (or telling the security guards who then tell the cashiers etc.) something along the lines of – ‘he’s a nutter who doesn’t like security guards looking at him, or cashiers saying ‘you’re welcome’ to him after serving him. So it’s really important you don’t let this bullying nutter stop you replying ‘you’re welcome’ to him when serving him. It’s important (to security guards) that you don’t stop watching him when he comes into your shop. We can’t let this nutter bully thousands of security guards and police from doing their jobs across Europe.
So the consequence is, I’ll walk into a Boots store where I’ve never set foot in before in my life, and the TSS security guard on duty will immediately recognize me, clench their fists or fold their arms, stand intently watching me as I get served, and the cashier will also recognize me (sometimes, or at least on my second visit after the security guard has pointed me out), and exaggeratedly say ‘you’re welcome’ in a weird and inappropriate manner to me (if you think this sounds crazy, I have hidden camera footage of this actually happening repeatedly, over a span of 13 years). If I then look slightly agitated, frightened, or upset by this, then it proves I’m a ‘nutter’ who doesn’t like being looked at by security guards, or served oddly by cashiers, and that it’s perfectly right and legal that the police/security guards continue to point me out in this manner to hundreds of stores and restaurants (and ALWAYS denied by customer care).
And who are they going to believe?
A police officer, or a ‘nutter’?